Page 11 - Shimadzu Journal vol.10 Issue1
P. 11

Understanding and trusting relationships based on the idea of contributing to each other         INSIGHT from CUSTOMER

           Mr. Keiji Sumiya

                       We heard that you have a unique story          How have Shimadzu analytical and
                       about your promotion for broader               measuring instruments been useful
                       acceptance of battery analysis...?             for that visualization process?

                       At the time, I was wondering how I could explain the ben-  Our company uses a variety of Shimadzu instruments,
                       efits of battery analysis to a manager responsible for coor-  such as X-ray CT, SPM, LC, GPC, and GC-MS systems, de-
                       dinating development but who put little focus on battery   pending on the analysis target and the purpose.
                       analysis. Then, I consolidated the key points of combined   For example, Shimadzu instruments are used to ana-
                       multifaceted analytical data onto both sides of an A3 size   lyze both the negative-electrode structure and reactions
                       piece of paper and left it on his desk without saying any-  at the surface of negative-electrode materials, which
                       thing. That was the trigger that flipped the development   have a major effect on battery performance.
                       coordinator’s attitude from “We do not need analysis”     A Shimadzu X-ray CT inspection system is typically
                       to “Wow! That is really amazing! If I gather everyone to-  used for structural analysis of negative electrodes. Imp-
                       gether, would you give a presentation today?” After that,   roving performance requires controlling the voids bet-
                       we gave similar presentations to customers, resulting in   ween particles, which function as the pathways for lithium
                       reactions such as  “We have never seen data like this   ion movement. Since the X-ray CT inspection system en-
                       before!” It converted the images that battery developers   ables non-destructive observation of electrode structures,
                       had only been imagining in their minds into visual data   the electrolyte penetration pathways can be visualized by
                       they could actually see. Rather than simply analyzing     identifying the voids formed between negative-electrode
                       batteries,  it  provided  the  opportunity  to  build  trust  by   material particles. Visualizing the voids to compare how
                       presenting analytical data based on anticipating cus-  pathways are connected in a product being developed
                       tomer expectations 2 or 3 steps ahead and generating   versus a standard product resulted in determining that de-
                       reactions such as “We had no idea you had thought so   velopment samples with superior performance have more
                       deeply about it.”                              pathways and lower pathway curvature.

                                                                      3D image visualizing the pore pathway among anode material
                                                                      particles based on the X-ray CT image analysis
                                                                      [Consideration of electrolyte movement from void pathway]

                                   Total number of void paths  Small ˱ Large  Comparison result from curvature rate histogram
                                                              between Conventional sample and Improved
                                                              sample based on numerical analysis of the pore
                                                              pathway indicating the mobility of the electrolyte

                                                                            ɿConventional samples
                                                                            ɿImproved samples

                                                      Tortuosity (curvature of the void path)
                                                               Small ˱ Large

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