Page 7 - Shimadzu Journal vol.10 Issue1
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Very reliable, professional and friendly.         INSIGHT from CUSTOMER

           Dr.  Sascha Nowak

                                                                      Henschel J, Horsthemke F, Stenzel YP, Evertz M, Girod S,
                       Recent publications using Shimadzu             Lürenbaum C, Kösters K, Wiemers-Meyer S, Winter M,
                       instruments                                    Nowak S weniger. 2020. ‘Lithium ion battery electrolyte
                                                                      degradation of field-tested electric vehicle battery cells -
                       Henschel J, Schwarz L, Glorius F, Winter M, Nowak S.   A comprehensive analytical study.’ Journal of Power
                       2019a. ‘Further insights into structural diversity of   Sources 447: 227370. doi: 10.1016/j.
                       phosphorus-based decomposition products in lithium   jpowsour.2019.227370.
                       ion battery electrolytes via liquid chromatographic
                       techniques hyphenated to ion trap - time of flight mass   Leißing M, Horsthemke F, Wiemers-Meyer S, Winter M,
                       spectrometry.’ Analytical Chemistry 91, Nr. 6: 3980-3988.   Niehoff P, Nowak S. 2021. ‘The Impact of the C-rate on
                       doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b05229.             Gassing during Formation of NMC622 II Graphite Lithium
                                                                      Ion Battery Cells.’ Batteries & Supercaps 4, Nr. 6: 1344-
                       Henschel J, Dressler M, Winter M, Nowak S. 2019b.   1350. doi: 10.1002/batt.202100056.
                       ‘Reaction Product Analyses of the Most Active “Inactive”
                       Material in Lithium-Ion Batteries—The Electrolyte. I:   Leißing M, Peschel C, Horsthemke F, Wiemers-Meyer S,
                       Thermal Stress and Marker Molecules.’ Chemistry of   Winter M, Nowak S. 2021. ‘The origin of gaseous
                       Materials 24: 9970-9976. doi: 10.1021/acs.     decomposition products formed during SEI formation
                       chemmater.9b04133.                             analyzed by isotope labeling in lithium ion battery
                                                                      electrolytes.’ Batteries & Supercaps 4, Nr. 11: 1731-1738.
                       Henschel J, Peschel C, Günter F, Reinhart G, Winter M,   doi: 10.1002/batt.202100208.
                       Nowak S. 2019c. ‘Reaction Product Analysis of the Most
                       Active “Inactive” Material in Lithium-Ion Batteries—The   Kösters K, Henschel J, Winter M, Nowak S. 2021.
                       Electrolyte. II: Battery Operation and Additive Impact.’   ‘Development of a fast online sample preparation for
                       Chemistry of Materials 24: 9977-9983. doi: 10.1021/acs.  speciation analysis of lithium ion battery electrolyte
                       chemmater.9b04135.                             decomposition products by liquid chromatography
                                                                      hyphenated to ion trap-time of flight-mass spectrometry
                       Horsthemke F, Friesen A, Ibing L, Klein S, Winter M,   and to inductively coupled plasma-sector field-mass
                       Nowak S. 2019. ‘Possible Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation   spectrometry.’ Journal of Chromatography A 1658:
                       During Decomposition? Characterization and     462594. doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2021.462594.
                       Identification of New Decomposition Products in Lithium
                       Ion Battery Electrolytes by Means of SPME-GC-MS.’   Peschel C, van Wickeren S, Preibisch Y, Naber V, Werner C,
                       Electrochimica Acta 295: 401-409. doi: 10.1016/j.  Frankenstein L, Horsthemke F, Peuker U, Winter M,
                       electacta.2018.08.159.                         Nowak S weniger. 2022. ‘Comprehensive
                                                                      Characterization of Shredded Lithium-Ion Battery
                       Stenzel YP, Börner M, Preibisch Y, Winter M, Nowak S.   Recycling Material.’ Chemistry - A European Journal xxx:
                       2019. ‘Thermal profiling of lithium ion battery electrodes   e202200485. doi: 10.1002/chem.202200485.
                       at different states of charge and aging conditions.’
                       Journal of Power Sources 433: 226709. doi: 10.1016/j.  Horsthemke F, Peschel C, Kösters K, Nowak S, Kuratani K,
                       jpowsour.2019.226709.                          Takeuchi T, Mikuriya H, Schmidt F, Sakaebe H, Kaskel S,
                                                                      Sakaebe T, Winter M, Nara H, Wiemers-Meyer S weniger.
                       Peschel C, Horsthemke F, Leißing M, Wiemers-Meyer S,   2022. ‘Identification of Soluble Degradation Products in
                       Henschel J, Winter M, Nowak S. 2020. ‘Analysis of   Lithium - Sulfur and Lithium - Metal Sulfide Batteries.’
                       carbonate decomposition during the interphase   Separations 9 (3), Nr. Topical Collection: State of the Art
                       formation in isotope labeled lithium ion battery   in Analysis of Energies: 57. doi: 10.3390/
                       electrolytes – Extending the knowledge about   separations9030057.
                       electrolyte soluble species.’ Batteries & Supercaps 3, Nr.
                       11: 1183-1192. doi: 10.1002/batt.202000170.
                       Leißing M, Winter M, Wiemers-Meyer S, Nowak S. 2020. ‘A
                       Method for Quantitative Analysis of Gases Evolving
                       During Formation Applied on LiNi0.6Mn0.2Co0.2O2 II
                       Natural Graphite Lithium Ion Battery Cells Using Gas
                       Chromatography - Barrier Discharge Ionization Detector.’
                       Journal of Chromatography A 1622: 461122. doi:
                       Henschel J, Peschel C, Klein S, Horsthemke F, Winter M,
                       Nowak S. 2020. ‘Clarification of decomposition pathways
                       in a state-of-the-art lithium ion battery electrolyte
                       through 13C-labeling of electrolyte components.’
                       Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59, Nr. 15:
                       6128-6137. doi: 10.1002/anie.202000727.

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