Page 2 - Shimadzu Journal vol.10 Issue1
P. 2

Note from the Director

                                        Yoshiaki Mase
                                        General Manager,
                                        Analytical & Measurement Instruments Division

                      As a company working with partners worldwide,   In addition to the interviews, we introduce applica-
                    Shimadzu aims to create solutions that address socie-  tions on analyzing LiBs from different angles using our
                    tal issues and promote the implementation of these   latest technologies. These include examples of chemi-
                    solutions in society. Along with the ongoing effects     cal state analysis of cathode active materials using
                    of COVID-19, the global economy remains uncertain   new wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spec-
                    due to soaring raw material prices and shortages of   trometers, measurement of electrolyte solutions using
                    materials, as well as the protracted situation in Russia   FT-IR spectroscopy, nondestructive observation of the
                    and Ukraine. As the movement of people and goods   internal structure of cylindrical LiBs using X-ray CT,
                    changes worldwide and interest in, and commitment   and observation of small areas of electrode materials
                    to, the global environment grows, the fields in which   using SPM and evaluation of their physical properties.
                    analytical and measuring instruments are used and   In addition, we introduce some recent initiatives re-
                    how they are used are changing.           lated to material science, our new organizational
                                                              structure, a new center for promoting open innova-
                      Amid these dramatic societal changes, this issue   tion, and a unique new product (MIV-X ultrasonic opti-
                    features a special section on “Materials Science,” which   cal flaw detector).
                    is at the root of every industry in the world. Focusing
                    particularly on lithium-ion batteries (LiBs), which con-  Despite society changes and challenges, Shimadzu
                    tinue to evolve toward a sustainable society, we intro-  is realizing its corporate philosophy of “Contributing to
                    duce researchers working on the front lines and   Society through Science and Technology,” embracing
                    highlight applications that make full use of cutting-   change rather than fearing it, and creating an even
                    edge technologies.                        better society. We look forward to working with you
                                                              on innovative research and challenging projects and
                      First, Dr. Sascha Nowak, head of the Analytics &   hope that this journal will provide you with inspiration
                    Environment division of the MEET battery research   for your own work.
                    center in Münster, talks about qualitative and quantita-
                    tive evaluation of electrolyte aging, verification of recy-
                    cling methods, toxicological testing, and other topics.             Yours Sincerely,
                    Next, Mr. Keiji Sumiya of Showa Denko Materials Co.,
                    Ltd. speaks about the importance of visualization tech-
                    nology  in  the development  of LiB materials  and  his
                    company’s initiatives in this area.

                                                                                                Shimadzu Journal  vol.10  Issue1  1
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