Page 15 - Shimadzu Journal vol.10 Issue1
P. 15

Materials Science

               Application to valence analysis
                            of LIB

            Peak  energy  of  fluorescent  X-ray  emitted  from  a  ma-
            terial shifts along with a change in the chemical state
            of  the  element.  Figure  2  shows  an  overlay  of  Mn  Kβ
            spectra of MnO s and LiMnO s normalized by peak in-
                       x         x
            tensity. The inset shows the enlarged view of the top of
            Kβ .  It  is  clear  that  the  peak  energy  shifts  according
            to the nominal valence of Mn. In addition to that, the
            change in the peak intensity of Kβ′ is also observed.
               By plotting the peak energy as a function of nominal   Figure 1. Schematic of PS-WDXRF. Fluorescent X-rays from the specimen pass through the slit
            valence  of  Mn,  it  was  found  that  the  Mn  Kβ   peak   and are dispersed by the flat analyzing crystal. They are simultaneously detected by different
                                             1,3         channels of the detector corresponding to different energies. The rotation mechanism of the
            energies of the MnO  specimens are negatively propor-  specimen eliminates the position dependence of the measurement point, and spatially averaged
                           x                             measurement data can be obtained.* 1
            tional  to  the  valence,  and  those  of the  LiMnO  speci-
            mens showed a similar relation, see Figure 3(a).
               The dependence of the peak intensity ratio Kβ′/Kβ
            on the nominal valence is shown in Figure 3(b), which
            indicates that the peak intensity ratios of the MnO  and
            LiMnO  specimens were also negatively proportional to
            the valence and displayed a similar dependence as that
            of the peak energy.
               These suggest that the changes in the peak energy of
            Mn Kβ and the peak intensity ratio Kβ′/Kβ  can be

                 1,3                        1,3
            used for valence identification.
               For  other  elements,  Co,  and  Ni,  out  of  three  im-
            portant elements in LIB cathode materials, it had been
            reported that they also showed similar behavior in terms
            of  the  relationship  between  the  peak  energy  shift  and
            the nominal valence of the element.          Figure 2. Overlay of the Mn Kβ spectra of MnO s and LiMnO s fitted by the Lorentz
                                                         function, normalized by peak intensity. The inset shows the enlarged view of the top
                                                         of Kβ . It is clear that the peak energy shifts, and the peak intensity of Kβ′ changes
                                                         according to the valence of Mn.* 2

                      Figure 3. (a) Dependence of the Mn Kβ  peak energy on the valence number for MnO s and LiMnO s. The Mn Kβ  peak energies of
                      MnO s are negatively proportional to the valence, and those of LiMnO s show a similar relation. These results indicate that the presence
                      of Li ions does not affect the relation between the Mn Kβ  peak energy and the valence number. (b) Dependence of the peak intensity
                      ratio Kβ′/Kβ  on the valence number. The peak intensity ratio Kβ′/Kβ  shows a similar dependence as that of the peak energy.* 3
                             1,3                             1,3
                      *1-3 Reproduced with permission from [Sato 2020] *Copyright 2020 American Chemical Society.   For more information
                                                                                                Shimadzu Journal  vol.10  Issue1 14
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