Page 14 - Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue2
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            aggregates and isomers, and other assessments as shown in Table 1.   surfaces, and mobile phase. But in the SEC columns containing silica-
            These assessments are extremely important at every step of pharma-  based packing materials with chemically-bound common diol
            ceutical development, from early stages to product shipment.  groups, electrostatic interaction may arise between proteins and
                                                               residual silanol groups on the packing material surface causing pro-
            mAbs form dimeric or multimeric aggregates depending on pro-  teins to adsorb to the silica gel. This results in peak tailing, delayed
            duction and storage conditions. Aggregates in antibody drugs not   elution times, and other phenomena. Electrostatic interactions can
            only cause a decrease in pharmacological action but also elicit an   be suppressed by adding sodium chloride to the mobile phase to
            immune response, thus affecting the efficacy and safety. For this   negate these negatively charged silanol groups. The strength of
            reason, ICH-Q6B requires the separation of impurities such as   these interactions with column packing material varies with the type
            monomers and aggregates in antibody drugs and determines their   of protein; it is necessary to determine the appropriate analytical
            content. This article introduces an analysis of mAb impurities and   methods for each protein.
            fragments by size-exclusion chromatography (SEC).
                                                               This article presents an optimization of an analytical method for
            Table 1. Examples of Quality Assessment Tests for Antibody Drugs  mAb aggregates and fragments that investigates the effects of mobile
                                                               phase salt concentration, flow rate, and pH on separation with a 150
              Item Tested    Purpose       Analysis Technique
                                                               mm long Shim-pack™ Bio Diol-300 column with 2 µm diameter
             Aggregates/  Determine levels of   Size-exclusion chromatography,
             Fragments  aggregates and fragments  Micro flow imaging   etc.
                                                               packing material.
                                        Ion-exchange chromatography,
                       Characterization and
             Charge variants            Imaged capillary isoelectric
                       monitoring of charge variants
                                        focusing       etc.
                                        Hydrophilic chromatography,
             Sugar chain   Evaluate consistency of   Reversed-phase
             structures  sugar chain structures  chromatography,
                                        Mass spectrometry   etc.
                       Evaluate molecular structure   Reversed-phase
             Structure  and specificity characteristics  chromatography,
                       of bulk drug     Mass spectrometry   etc.
             Antibody-drug   Calculate coupling ratio of   Hydrophobic chromatography,
             conjugates  antibody-drug conjugate  Mass spectrometry   etc.  Intensity
                                        Affinity chromatography,
             Potency   Quantify biological activity  Enzyme-linked immunosorbent
                                        assay          etc.
                 Size-Exclusion Chromatography                          Fig. 1. Principle of Separation in SEC Analysis

            Size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) is a technique that separates
            molecules based on their size (Fig. 1). The column packing mate-     Analysis
            rial contains numerous pores. Smaller molecules permeate deeper
            into these pores and take longer to pass through the column, on   3-1.  Analytical Conditions
            the other hand, larger molecules are unable to permeate the pores.   Table 2 shows the analytical conditions that are common to all anal-
            Consequently, molecules are eluted from the column in order   yses. The mobile phase compositions are described in each section.
            from largest to smallest and effectively sorted according to size.
            Conventional SEC analysis uses long columns 300 mm in length   Table 2. Analytical Conditions
            and low flow rates with long elution times from several tens of min-  System  Nexera XS inert
                                                                                Shim-pack Bio Diol-300 * 1
            utes up to an hour to ensure full separation between components.   Column  (150 mm×4.6 mm I.D., 2 µm)
            Recent column development has reduced the sizes of packing ma-      0.2 mL/min (Fig. 2, Fig. 3, Fig. 9)
                                                                Flow rate       0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4 mL/min (Fig. 5)
            terials to achieve excellent separation with shorter elution times.  0.25 mL/min (Fig. 7)
                                                                Column Temp.    25 ˚C
                                                                                Monoclonal Antibody Standard
            However, further improvements in separation and sensitivity re-     (Conc. 500 µg/mL)
                                                                Vial            TORAST™-H Glass Vial *  (Shimadzu GLC Ltd.)
            quire not just smaller column packing materials but optimization
                                                                Injection vol.  5 µL
            of the analytical conditions. In an ideal SEC separation, there is   Detection   280 nm (SPD-M40 inert cell)
            no chemical interaction between the molecules, packing material   *1 P/N : 227­31010­01  *2 P/N : 370­04301­01

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