Page 9 - Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue2
P. 9

“It is excellent and extremely beneficial in support of our research and development process.”   |   INSIGHT from CUSTOMER

           Dr. Shivam Mukherjee

                       What are the major challenges in
                       performing analysis for cell culture
                       components of spent media?

                       The major challenges in identifying components
                       in spent media are extraction methods that are used
                       to monitor different class of analytes (amino acids,
                       nucleic acids, vitamins) and their inherent differences
                       in concentration.

                       How is Shimadzu LC-MS along with
                       cell culture profiling method package
                       helping you in your research?

                       Usage of Shimadzu cell culture package provides a
                       number of advantages with respect to simultaneous
                       analysis of a wide range of components including ones   Thank you again for your time today.
                       which might be present in less concentration. A 17-min   Finally, could you share any requests
                       run allows identification of 95 components using     that you have with respect to analytical
                       the MRM principle which distinguishes components   and measuring instrument vendors?
                       that are difficult to monitor using conventional LC tech-
                       niques. That’s why we chose Shimadzu.          We have a beneficial relationship with Shimadzu instru-
                                                                      ments and related method packages. We would like to
                       How would you describe the value               continue this and receive your updates on a regular
                       that Shimadzu technology added to              basis which will be helpful in our research.
                       your research project?

                       Shimadzu CCP package combined with the ultrafast                  Dr. Shivam Mukherjee did his un-
                       and  sensitive LCMS-8060  is  a very  powerful  and             dergraduate studies in Chemistry and
                       useful tool that we employ to have a quick identifi-            then  proceeded to  do his doctoral
                                                                                       studies at Stony Brook University,
                          cation  of  components present in media/feed and
                                                                                       New York. Post completion of his
                             spent media. The range of compounds present               thesis, he returned back to India and
                               in the method package and the short turn-               joined TCG Lifesciences in Kolkata.
                                around time in identification helps the                He joined Intas Biopharma Ltd. in
                                                                                       2019 and since then has been work-
                                  process development teams in screen-
                                                                      ing in the R&D Analytical Development Laboratory where he &
                                   ing of multiple media and feed com-  his team's work focusses on developing LC-MS methods used in
                                    binations, thus ensuring the best   identification and characterization of biomolecules.
                                    possible one is carried forward in
                                     upstream process development.

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