Page 8 - Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue2
P. 8
Interview 2 Interview with Dr. Shivam Mukherjee
“It is excellent and
extremely beneficial
in support of our research
and development process.”
We interviewed Dr. Shivam Mukherjee from Intas Biopharma Ltd. in India, a leading
biosimilar product manufacturers in Asia having its own biopharmaceutical opera-
tions with a R&D facility and an EU-GMP certified bio-pharmaceutical manufacturing
facility. Shimadzu have been supporting the research and development activities
undergoing at Intas.
Hello Dr. Mukherjee, thank you very much focusses on characterization of the developing mole-
for spending some time for this interview. cule using a variety of analytical techniques.
At first, could you brief about your
organization, type of research carried out, Could you describe the importance of
product line etc? cultivation condition such as media,
feed in mAb production and how it will
At Intas Biopharma unit, we focus on developing re- impact on final mAb drug quality?
combinant DNA and plasma derived products. We are
focused on developing biosimilars of therapeutic mono- Media and feed component are important as these
clonal antibodies with the goal of ‘Biosimilar for Billions’. has direct impact on cell growth. Cell culture media pro-
vides a medium for the cell to grow and also a source
Could you outline the research activities for cell growth and production while feed improves the
carried out in your department? culture duration and productivity. In this context, spent
media analysis from cell culture can identify the de-
The R&D department at Intas Biopharma unit consists pleted components, which can then be added back
of several functions starting from developing clones to the media either through front loading in basal
to, screening of media followed by process design media or feed enhancement at different culture dura-
and optimization of product. At all stages the process tion timepoints.
teams are supported by a strong analytical team which
Intas team
From L to R: Shivam Mukherjee, Sreekant Panicker, Nitin Kishor, Salma Bano, Babu Ponnusamy, Nilesh Aghera, Shrinivas Ambekar, Harshit Srivastava, Chetna Kirad.
Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue2 41