Page 4 - Shimadzu Journal vol.7 Issue2
P. 4

Insight from Customer

              Interview with Professor Erich Leitner

            We interviewed Professor Erich Leitner from Graz University of Technology in Austria. Professor Erich Leitner is a leading
            expert on food quality. He is a major node in the local food network, having strong relations with local food producers
            and farmers in the region. Leitner has been using Shimadzu and mass spectrometers for over a decade to study food.

            Professor Leitner, thank you very much for spending some
            time for this interview. At first, could you outline the
            research and let us know what discovery and achievement
            have been made so far?
            The largest part of my work deals with the quality of food and food
            contact materials. This complex topic can be looked from different
            points of view. On one hand, we have the positive aspects as if the nice
            smell of a good meal or a fine glass of wine. On the other hand, we
            have the things neither consumer nor producers want to see in their
            products. These are off flavors or even things which might have a negative
            impact on human health like undesired residues from various sources
            (e.g.: mineral oil contamination).
            Therefore, we try to measure by analytical methods what humans
            perceive during consumption of food. This task sounds quite simple, but
            there are molecules, which are perceived by humans at incredible low
            concentrations. In addition, the matrices are quite complex, so we are   Why are you interested in this research? What is the goal?
            facing analytical challenges in terms of sensitivity and selectivity as well.
                                                               I think I am one of the blessed persons who have the luck to combine
                                                               job and hobby. I am obsessed about quality of food (however you may
                                                               define it) and I definitely want to understand why a product is good or
                                                               not. Finally, you are ending up in analytical chemistry trying to define
                                                               the quality parameters. Therefore, the final goal for me should be to
                                                               predict the quality of a product by analytical techniques. Nevertheless, it
                                                               is very important for me to stress out that we still need humans for the
                                                               final judgment, but analytical methods can greatly support this goal.

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