Page 3 - Shimadzu Journal vol.7 Issue2
P. 3


              Food Development
                        Insight from Customer
                         Interview with Prof. Erich Leitner                                                    40
                         We interviewed Professor Erich Leitner from Graz University of Technology in Austria. Professor Erich Leitner is a leading expert
                         on food quality. He is a major node in the local food network, having strong relations with local food producers and farmers in
                         the region.

                        Food Development
                         Determination of mineral oil residues in food  – Removing natural occurring alkanes –   42
                         Mineral oil (MO) residues in food raised public concern due to some elevated concentrations up to several thousand milligrams per
                         kilogram food. The determination of MOSH and MOAH in food can be done by an automated LC-GC-FID system for routine analysis.
                         Unfortunately, some food material like rice or chocolate contain natural occurring alkanes which can interfere and heavily disturb the
                         analysis of the MOSH fraction. This sutdy reports these interferences can be removed by flash chromatography on aluminium oxide

                        Food Development
                         Development of a High Sensitivity Analytical Method for Quantitative Analysis of      44
                         Trace Amounts of D-Amino Acids
                         When the steric structure of amino acids was devised, it revealed that most amino acids could exist as mirror-image isotopes that are
                         differentiated by an L-/D- notation into L-amino acids and D-amino acids. More recently, it is starting to appear as if some foods and
                         particularly microorganism-associated fermented foods contain D-amino acids, and the function of these foods is gaining interest. In
                         this article, the authors intend to explain a new analytical method for D-amino acids that uses a high-sensitivity triple quadrupole mass
                         spectrometer and describe an example application of this method in fermented food analysis.

                        Food Development
                         Determination of garlic phenolic compounds using supercritical fluidextraction        50
                         coupled to supercritical fluid chromatography/tandemmass spectrometry
                         A rapid, simple and environmentally friendly supercritical fluid extraction and supercritical fluid chromatography coupled to mass
                         spectrometry (SFE-SFC-MS/MS) method has been developed for the analysis of nine phenolic compounds in garlic. Through the optimization
                         of the SFE parameters using response surface methodology (RSM), 15 phenolic compounds were successfully extracted at 50ºC in 9 min
                         with the addition of 30% methanol using a method that was automatic, efficient, green and prevented oxidation. Moreover, the operating
                         conditions of the SFC-MS/MS were also optimized for the analysis of the SFE extracts. 15 phenolic compounds in the garlic showed good
                         separation performance on a Shim-packUC-X Diol column, and 0.1 mM oxalic acid and 1 mM ammonium formate in methanol were chosen
                         as the most suitable mobile phase components.

                         Shimadzu Selection                                                                    52
                         These article were selected by Shimadzu. Relating food analysis and development, they are from posters presented at ASMS
                         2019 and from application notes. They feature a variety of instruments we produce and include cutting-edge technologies.
                         Please obtain the articles of your interest through the links on the titles.

                        Topics 1
                         Global Innovation Summit 2019                                                         54
                         Shimadzu Corporation held the “Shimadzu Global Innovation Summit 2019” from 9th-10th July. This year’s event, on the theme of “Pioneering
                         Partnerships for Advanced Healthcare”, saw a diverse pool of 93 researchers from 21 countries travelling to Shimadzu’s headquarters in Kyoto.

                        Topics 2
                         Food Safety seminar by SEG                                                            56
                         For several years, the companies Shimadzu and Merck have been offering food safety seminars that introduce a wide range of new applications, as
                         well as tips and tricks for use in the food laboratory. In addition to the extensive lecture program, it provides an excellent platform for dialogue and
                         exchange between experts in food production, control, and research & development.

                        New Products

                         MALDImini-1, GC-2010 Pro, UP Series, Multi-omics analysis package, Shim-pack Fast-OA  58
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