Page 29 - Shimadzu Journal vol.7 Issue1
P. 29

Environmental Analysis

            ⿏PFAS Stability Study – Effects of Solvents, LC Vial   ⿏Calibration Range and Method Detection Limit (MDL)
               Materials and Vortex
                                                               Calibration was performed for all PFAS compounds using a nine-point
            The shelf life of the prepared PFAS standards was evaluated using the   calibration curve, ranging from 5 ng/L – 200 ng/L with some exceptions.
            following solvents: 10%, 30%, 50%, 70% and 90% methanol, in both   FHEA, FOEA and FDEA, the fluorotelomer acids, were calibrated in the range
            glass and polypropylene vials. The plots of relative intensity of PFAS   of 100 – 4000 ng/L. The linearity of the curves was evaluated using 1/x
            against shelf life (time/hours) shown in Fig. 3 demonstrate that the 50%   weighting, ignoring the origin. The calibration range are shown in Table 4 and
            methanol in water used in the ASTM methods sufficiently dissolves the   all calibration curves had a regression coefficient (R ) higher than 0.99. The
            PFAS compounds and keeps them in solution. The lower concentrations   calibration curves and regression coefficient (R ) of some selected PFAS
            of methanol (10% and 30% methanol) show significant loss of PFAS   compounds are illustrated in Fig. 5.
            due to the insolubility of PFAS in the solvent used. The recovery results   A MDL study was conducted by spiking the water samples (5 mL). FHEA,
            for 90% methanol are similar to that of 70% methanol.  FOEA and FDEA were spiked at a concentration of 100 ng/L; the rest of the
            Furthermore, the materials of the LC vial, amber glass and polypropyl-  PFAS compounds were spiked at 20 ng/L. The MDL, %recovery and % RSD
            ene, were investigated to determine the potential adsorption of PFAS   were determined and are shown in Table 4. The MDLs using the LCMS-8060
            on the vial surface Similar recovery and quantitation were observed   are in the range of 0.6 – 5.4 ng/L for the 44 PFAS compounds (excluding
            regardless of the material of the LC vials. Rather than the material of   fluorinated telomer acids). Similarly, the % recovery and % RSD for these 44
            the LC vial, the effect of vortex on the recovery of PFAS is considerable   PFAS were within the acceptable limits (70-130%).
            (Fig. 4). To demonstrate the importance of utilizing the vortex mixer, a
            PFAS standard solution was allowed to sit for 24 hours. An end   ⿏Summary and Conclusion
            mid-level calibration check (50 ng/L) was prepared and the recovery of
            the PFAS compounds from the vial, before and after mixing, was   This white paper summarized and illustrated the use, performance and
            determined. Fig. 4 shows the chromatogram of the PFAS compounds   compatibility of Shimadzu UFMS™ for the analysis of PFAS in environmental
            before and after vortex. The recovery of the long-chain PFAS is   samples. With reference to ASTM D7979, 49 PFAS compounds were separated
            noticeably lower before vortex. The use of vortex ensures that the   and quantified with a simple direct injection method and rapid LC-MS/MS
            solution is homogenous and consistent results are obtained.  analysis (LCMS-8060). Direct injection without SPE allows for maximum
            The PFAS concentration in the vial may change after the vial cap is   throughput and minimal background, loss and contamination cause by sample
            pierced as the organic solvent (i.e. methanol:water solution) and/or   preparation. The high-speed and high-sensitivity characteristics of the
            PFAS compound can be lost through the puncture. If calibration   LCMS-8060 achieve a method detection limit of 0.6 – 5.4 ng/L and recovery of
            standards are to be used multiple times, it is recommended to use   84 – 113% for all PFAS compounds, excluding FTAs. These results fall within
            amber glass vial with sealed replaceable caps. This sealing of vials   the quality control requirements and limits. Together with a high scanning
            immediately after injection may alleviate the loss of PFAS.  speed and a short dwell time, the Shimadzu LCMS-8060 achieves rapid,
                                                               reliable and highly sensitive quantitation of PFAS in environmental waters.

                        Fig. 3   Plots of PFAS recovery against shelf life (time/hour) for the various solvents in glass and polypropylene LC vials

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