Page 27 - Shimadzu Journal vol.7 Issue1
P. 27

Environmental Analysis

            The described LC-MS/MS method was run exactly as indicated in ASTM   of PFAS during and, at best, minimize them with the use of PFAS-free
            Method D7979. One such modification concerns the ASTM liquid   materials, high-grade solvents and flushing the instrument by injecting
            chromatography (LC) conditions. Only two LC mobile phases were   multiple method blanks.
            employed in this study. Reagent C (400 mM ammonium acetate in   In this study, a solvent delay column was used to account for the PFAS
            95:5% acetonitrile-water) specified in ASTM method was not used.   contamination present in the glass containers, laboratory consumables
            The LC mobile phases used in this study (Table 3) are easy to prepare.   (e.g. pipette tips) and LC system (e.g. pumps and tubing). This solvent
            In addition, the shape and sensitivity of chromatographic peaks   delay column is situated before the autosampler and helps delay the
            obtained are similar or even better than when using the mobile phases   elution of the PFAS present in the background. As shown in Fig. 1, the
            specified in the ASTM method.                      use of the delay column and this impurity delay method allows the
                                                               distinction of PFOA originating solely from the sample. Furthermore,
            ⿏Avoiding Contamination                            with Shimadzu’s team of service engineers, we can set up the exact
                                                               HPLC configuration (involving solvent lines, tubing, bypassing of
            PFAS may be found in sampling and storage containers and may even   solvent lines and more) that is proven to give contamination-free data.
            contaminate the samples. It is important to account for these sources

                                    Fig. 1   Chromatogram of PFOA: (a) without delay column and (b) with delay column

            Results and Discussion                             PFBS. Most importantly, the isomers (e.g. PFOS and PFHxS) were
                                                               chromatographically separated. These were achieved by selecting a
            ⿏Chromatographic Separation
                                                               column with a phenyl-hexyl functional group. The total LC-MS/MS run
            Fig. 2 shows the overlaid MRM and total ion current (TIC)   time of 20 minutes included a final wash-out with acetonitrile to
            chromatograms of all 49 PFAS compounds in a mixed standard   remove contamination.
            solution at 100 ng/L. All PFAS compounds eluted within 13 minutes.   Fluorotelomer acids, observed as [M-H]  and [M-HF-H] , can result in an
            The retention time and MRM transition (quantifying ions) for each of   ion with the same formula as the unsaturated fluorotelomer acid. Even
            the PFAS compounds are listed in Table 4.
                                                               under the optimized chromatography conditions, these compounds
            Chromatography separation was optimized and adjusted to obtain   have near identical retention times. To successfully reduce HF loss and
            maximum resolution between peaks in the shortest time possible.   minimize false identification of the fluorotelomer acids, a lower
            Good peak shapes were obtained for these PFAS, even for early-eluting   desolvation line temperature was employed.

                       Fig. 2   MRM (pink & blue) and TIC (black) chromatograms of all 49 PFAS in a mixed standard solution, with each PFAS at 100 ng/L

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