Page 34 - Shimadzu Journal vol.7 Issue1
P. 34


              Shimadzu Europa’s 50th anniversary celebration

            Shimadzu celebrated the 50th anniversary of Shimadzu Europa on
            September 11, 2018. More than 300 people from all over Europe
            participated in the event at Mercator Hall in Duisburg, Germany. The
            anniversary event included music, show acts, dinner, speeches,
            greeting notes, and a “Walk of History” in which 50 years of company
            history in Europe was covered. The supervisory board and executive
            board from Japan attended the party and had a great time with the
            executives of Shimadzu subsidiaries and distributors from all over
            In the musical section, members of the Duisburg Philharmonic
            Orchestra performed, and the show act included a combination of
            entertainment and science.
            As for the “Walk of History”, past advertisements, catalogs and
            pictures from exhibitions were collected to introduced the firm’s
            history. Those items bridged the gap that exists between past and
            present to describe the development of Shimadzu Europa from
            technological, economic, political, and social aspects.
            Akira Nakamoto, Chairman of the Board of Shimadzu Corporation,
            insisted on the importance of the European market in his welcoming
            In addition to Mr. Nakamoto, Teruhisa Ueda, the President and CEO
            of Shimadzu Corporation, presented his complimentary remarks to the
            employees and represented Shimadzu Europa as a strong and creative
            voice in the international organization where over 11,000 people are
            employed globally.

                                                               In the first 25 years, SEG worked to expand its business and network to
                                                               East Germany, Russia, and Yugoslavia. The first turning point occurred in
                                                               1987: a move from Dusseldorf to Duisburg, Germany with 38
                                                               employees, where the European headquarters were located.
                                                               Our own R&D and production facilities laid the foundation for evolution,
                                                               allowing us to respond faster and flexibly to market needs. The total
                                                               floor space of 6,300 m  for offices and production space provided
                                                               possibilities for future expansion. In 1992, another 6,000 m  were added
                                                               for expansion of analytical and medical operations. Then, the ShimCAT
                                                               Center for Application and Training was established, achieving
                                                               application tasks on-site.
                                                               Since the 1990s, political and social changes on the continent brought
                                                               SEG the opportunity to develop new markets in Eastern Europe. It
                                                               started to enlarge its base in Europe with additional technical offices. In
                                                               the following years, many branch offices and subsidiaries were founded.
                                                               Now, Shimadzu has an enormous covering the entire continent.

                                                               The European Innovation Center (EUIC) is also integral to Shimadzu
                                                               Europa’s walk of history. The EUIC’s unique approach, which is a
                                                               combination of the academic and scientific knowledge of universities
                                                               and Shimadzu’s technological expertise, makes it possible to provide
                                                               more customer-focused service and to create new solutions for

                                                               The latest milestone in the organizational development was the
            Shimadzu Europa - Walk of History -                acquisition of ALSACHIM, a French-based company specializing in stable
            Everything started with five people in 1968. Shimadzu Europa’s   isotope-labelled compounds, metabolites and pharmaceutical-concerned
            50-year growth has resulted in a massive European network with   substances and analytical purposes. With that acquisition, Shimadzu can
            offices and trade partners in 81 cities from 47 countries, employing   venture into the clinical market and provide a total solution comprising
            over 700 people in Europe.                         both hardware and software.

                                                               Shimadzu Europa will continue to grow and to provide the best
                                                               solutions that meet our customers’ needs, both today and well into the

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