Page 10 - Shimadzu Journal vol.5 Issue1
P. 10


            A foundational new role for near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)   simultaneously for two individuals who are engaged in an interactive
                                                               task. This particular system enables the acquisition of real-time NIRS
            An emerging neuroimaging technology, functional near-infrared   signals and eye-tracking acquisitions using SMI glasses with scene
            spectroscopy (fNIRS), uses optodes secured in a cap worn on the   and pupil cameras synchronized to the neural signals. In this
            head and is suitable for simultaneous use on multiple subjects in   example, each cap includes 42 channels divided into two
            natural situations without intolerance to head movement. Like MRI,   hemispheres for each subject. Cap configurations are flexible and
            NIRS enables the observation of working neural systems in individual   can be modified according to experimental aims. Acquisition rates
            subjects without toxicity due to ionization. This technology takes   for NIRS signals range from 10 to 33 ms with spatial resolution of
            advantage of the physiological principle that active neural tissue   approximately 3 cm. This temporal resolution is well-suited for
            recruits oxygenated blood in greater proportions than non-active   measures of connectivity between active brain regions within and
            neural tissue. The paramagnetic effects of deoxyhemoglobin   across brains, but compared to fMRI, relatively compromised with
            (deOxyHb) are reduced within the local micro vasculature during this   respect to spatial resolution.
            recruitment process. The signal amplification in MRI referred to as
            the blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal (Ogawa et al.,   Both fMRI and fNIRS signals reflect changes in brain blood flow and
            1990) is due to the reduced proportion of deOxyHb and the   blood oxygenation, which are coupled to underlying neuronal
            resultant decrease in paramagnetic effects.  The BOLD signal is also   activity. The latter has been well established as recently
            detected by NIRS using spectral absorption (Jöbsis, 1977) which   demonstrated by Eggebrecht and colleagues (Eggebrecht et al.,
            differentiates oxyhemoglobin, OxyHb, and deOxyHb signals. Pulsed   2012) during visual stimulation in healthy volunteers. The high
            lasers (using the Shimadzu NIRS systems) emit 3 wavelengths of light   positive correlation between fMRI BOLD with deOxyHb and OxyHb is
            and detectors measure the changes in oxygenated hemoglobin   now well-established (Sato et al., 2013; Scholkmann et al., 2014).
            (OxyHb) and deoxygenated hemoglobin (deOxyHb) concentrations.
            For each channel, the absorption of near-infrared light at 780, 805,   “Raw” fNIRS signals obtained during a finger thumb tapping task for
            and 830nm is measured and converted to corresponding   a single subject, single run and single optode illustrate the
            concentration changes for deOxyHb, total Hb (HbT), and OxyHb   acquisition of both OxyHb and deOxyHb signals in response to a
            (Matcher & Cooper, 1994) respectively according to the modified   task-related time series (Figure 3). Note the anti-correlation between
            Beer-Lambert Law (Fig. 1).
                                                               the OxyHb and deOxyHb signals, consistent with theoretical
                                                               expectations. Due to the known correspondence with neural (rather
            Shimadzu Corporation (Kyoto, Japan) is a leading manufacturer of   than cardiovascular) events, the deOxyHb signal is expected to be
            fNIRS systems. Figure 2 shows a Shimadzu LABNIRS configuration   most closely related to fMRI BOLD signal (Franceschini et al., 2006).
            specialized for hyperscanning in which signals are acquired

            Fig. 1  Absorption spectra for deoxyhemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin. The functions
                 illustrate a maximum absorption difference between OxyHb and deOxyHb at
                 780nm and 830nm. Oxygen concentrations in cerebral blood affect the
                 wavelengths of light that are reflected. The modified Beer-Lambert Law is
                 used to convert direct measurements of light attenuation at three   Fig. 2  fNIRS system (LABNIRS, Shimadzu Corp.) in the Brain Function Laboratory
                 wavelengths that correspond to concentration changes in deOxyHb (780nm),   at the Yale School of Medicine. Participants using the LABNIRS system
                 total hemoglobin (805nm), and OxyHb (830nm).        are shown with SMI (ETG-2) eye-tracking glasses.

              Fig. 3  Illustrated anti-correlation of OxyHb (red) and deOxyHb (blue) signals during a finger thumb-tapping task for a single run, single subject, single channel without
                   smoothing using the Shimadzu LABNIRS system (white arrow).

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