Page 9 - Shimadzu Journal vol.3 Issue1
P. 9
Environmental Analysis
Table 2 Selected SIM ions for compounds of interest
5. Alcohol Analysis using GC-2010 Plus and AOC-5000
Headspace Sampler
Low boiling point compounds may have a poor peak shape and weight alcohols and other volatiles were detected using the
separation or may not be detected when analyzed by the GC-MS Shimadzu GC-2010 Plus equipped with a ZB-BAC2 column, 30m x
method. This is primarily due to their elution before, during, or 0.32 mm x 1.2 µm (Phenomenex, Inc., Torrance CA, USA).
near the solvent, ethyl acetate, and/or the signal being Headspace sampling directly from the groundwater samples was
confounded by certain compounds with ions generated from chosen to minimize extraction solvent and matrix interferences with
atmospheric gases. Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 display a HS-GC-FID the chromatography. The use of the FID eliminates atmospheric
chromatogram of a groundwater sample containing ethanol and background which can convolute identification of light alcohols by
methanol and a side-by-side comparison of a GC-MS and a MS. 2 mL of 0.25 M sodium chloride solution were added to 5 mL
HS-GC-FID chromatogram of solutions containing various of groundwater in a 20 mL screw-top headspace autosampler vial.
concentrations of methylene chloride, respectively. Low molecular
Fig. 3 HS-GC-FID chromatogram of a groundwater sample containing methanol and ethanol
Fig. 4 GC-MS and HS-GC-FID chromatograms of methylene chloride