Page 13 - Shimadzu Journal vol.3 Issue1
P. 13
Shimadzu Selection
These articles were selected by Shimadzu for this issue. The articles are from application
notes and technical reports relating to environmental analysis and
feature a variety of instruments we produce. The cutting-edge technologies are also
included. Please obtain the articles of your interest through the links on the titles.
Selection 1 New Technology
On-line LC-GCxGC-MS/MS: A Powerful Unified Separation-science Tool
This Technical Report demonstrates the potential of the on-line combination of HPLC, cryogenically modulated comprehensive
GCxGC, and MS/MS. The selectivity of the HPLC dimension enabled the separation of chemical classes; each fraction,
transferred to the GCxGC instrument via a syringe-based interface, was subjected to a specific programmed temperature
vaporizer (PTV) GCxGC-MS/MS for untargeted or targeted analysis.
Selection 2 Environmental Analysis
High-Sensitivity Analysis of Nonylphenol in River Water Using GC-MS/MS
Nonylphenol (NP) is used as a raw material for the production of surfactants, and as an antioxidant used to protect rubber
and plastics, etc. However, in recent years, it has been specified as a substance that can cause endocrine disruption in the
environment. We investigated the use of a high m/z selectivity GC-MS/MS for analyzing NP. By optimizing the MS/MS
analytical conditions, selective detection of thirteen 4-NP isomers was achieved with high sensitivity. Further, in the analysis of
NP in river water, which typically contains many contaminants, analysis was possible without adversely affecting identification
accuracy, even when omitting the cleanup procedure that may reduce the recovery rate.
Selection 3 Environmental Analysis
Rapid Analysis of 2,4-DNPH-Derivatized Aldehydes and Ketones Using the Prominence-i with a Shim-pack Column
This application news presented a rapid analysis of 2,4-DNPH-derivatized aldehydes and ketones using the LC-2010 integrated
HPLC with a Shim-pack FC-ODS column. As the goal of this study was to obtain a shorter analysis time than the previous method,
we investigated the run conditions using the new Prominence-i integrated HPLC with a 2.2 µm particle size Shim-pack XR-ODS
column. Presented here are the results of simultaneous analysis of thirteen 2,4-DNPH-derivatized aldehyde and ketone standards
run on a conventional 5 µm particle column, and an example of rapid analysis with a 2.2 µm particle column.
Selection 4 Environmental Analysis
Analysis of Anionic Surfactants by Prominence-i and RF-20Axs Fluorescence Detector
According to the Ministerial Ordinance on Water Quality Standards, an HPLC method using a fluorescence detector has been
adopted as the test method for anionic surfactants. Since either the RF-20A or RF-20Axs fluorescence detector can be
connected to the new Prominence-i integrated high-performance liquid chromatograph, the combination of integrated
operability and high-sensitivity fluorescence detection is possible. This application news presents an example of the analysis
of five anionic surfactants using the Prominence-i integrated HPLC with the RF-20Axs high-sensitivity fluorescence detector.
Selection 5 Environmental Analysis
Simultaneous Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Using the Prominence-i
Integrated High Performance Liquid Chromatograph
Many polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons exhibit fluorescence, and can therefore be detected with high selectivity and high
sensitivity using a fluorescence detector. However, of the sixteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons designated as “priority
pollutants” by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), acenaphthylene alone does not exhibit fluorescence. The
Prominence-i, which incorporates a UV detector, can be connected to the RF-20Axs fluorescence detector, permitting
simultaneous analysis of all sixteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Here, using two analytical methods, one with the
wavelength switching mode and the other using simultaneous measurement at multiple wavelengths, we introduce an
example of simultaneous analysis of the 16 PAHs.
Selection 6 Environmental Analysis
High-Sensitivity Analysis of Ammonia, Methylamine, and Trimethylamine in Environmental and Energy Fields
The dielectric barrier discharge ionization detector (BID) permits detection of nearly all compounds, except for helium and neon, at
higher sensitivity than that possible with TCD and FID detectors. Here, we introduce examples of analysis at the ppm level of
ammonia and methylamine in water, and of trimethylamine in water by GC-BID.