Page 16 - Shimadzu Journal vol.3 Issue1
P. 16

Environmental Analysis

            it is important to use an ICP-AES that is capable of aspiration of   7. The potential environmental impact of fracking on US
            high salt solutions without clogging the nebulizer or excessive       water supplies
            memory effects that may occur. The Shimadzu ICPE-9000
                                                               As the injected water flows through the formation it dissolves
            employs a vertical torch arrangement with a high salt nebulizer
                                                               existing minerals and carries with it the interstitial water. The
            and self-draining spray chamber. The ICPE-9000 software and
                                                               fracking solution chemistry differs from the formation water and
            potential for both axial and radial orientation of the spray
                                                               can dissolve elements, such as uranium, that were trapped in the
            chamber make it possible to analyze both trace and very high
                                                               formation . When the fracking water returns back to the surface
            concentrations of analyte with very little dilution.
                                                               it carries with it some of the interstitial formation water, and any
            4. Scale Inhibitor                                 trace inorganic and/or organic compounds that may have
                                                               dissolved. As little as 10% to up to 100% of the fracking water
            If the concentration of calcium and/or barium is high enough, and   returns to the surface as the fracking wastewater . This
            the conditions are right, they can precipitate with carbonate or   wastewater is collected into pits and disposed of. It is the
            sulfate to form scale. The formation of scale inside the pipe or   flow-back water from the fracking process and the large volumes
            within the rock fractures decreases gas production. The addition   of produced water that pose the largest risk of environmental
            of phosphonates or ammonium chloride as ingredients of the   contamination . Because of the very high salt content of the
            fracking solution helps to minimize scale. Simple colorimetric tests   water, it is difficult to treat by conventional wastewater treatment
            combined with visible spectrophotometers, such as the Shimadzu   procedures. Because the water contains very high salt
            UV-1800 can be used for measurement of scale inhibitors.   concentrations, most methods normally used to analyze
                                                               wastewater may not be applicable for testing fracking wastewater
            5. Acid
                                                               without modification . Table 1  is an example of some typical
            Hydrochloric acid and various organic acids, such as citric acid, are   fracking solution flow-back water analyses.
            used in the fracking solution to dissolve remnants of cement left   Other constituents that may be present in flow-back water are
            behind from the drilling process or to dissolve the calcite and   surfactants, glycols, methanol, and polyacrylates that are major
            hematite cement that binds the individual mineral grains of the   ingredients added to the stimulation water mixture. These
            shale together. Since hydrochloric acid is composed of the   compounds are not on the “regular” EPA method lists routinely
            hydrogen and chloride ions it is impossible, other than by pH or a   used when screening drinking water, groundwater, or wastewater
            neutralization titration, to determine the concentration of   for environmental compliance. Existing methods, such as EPA
            hydrochloric acid in the fracking solution. A Shimadzu organic acid   SW846 Method 8015 Non Halogenated organics by Gas
            HPLC system with a UV or conductivity detector can be used to   Chromatography , may not have sufficient sensitivity or selectivity
            determine concentrations of organic acids.         in the complex matrices.
            6. Friction Reducer                                8. Drinking Water
            High molecular weight polyacrylamide blended with petroleum   Drinking water supplies such as rivers, lakes, or shallow wells could be
            distillates is added to the fracking solution to create laminar flow   contaminated by flow-back and production water in the event of spills,
            and decrease the total energy (horsepower) required to pump the   improperly lined storage ponds, or leaking well casings from disposal by
            solution down-hole . The petroleum distillate may contain   underground injection. Since the maximum allowable level for TDS in
            aromatics hydrocarbons, such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene,   drinking water is 500 mg/L and chloride has a high solubility and
            and xylenes (BTEX). USEPA method 624  is a gas chromatography   mobility in the environment, drinking water contamination can be
            coupled with mass spectrometry method capable of accurate   quickly detected by a sudden increase in chloride concentration. With
            determination of BTEX along with multiple other volatile organic   the exception of potential contaminants for which there are no existing
            compounds in very complex matrices. The Shimadzu   approved drinking water methods, all approved methods are capable of
            GCMS-QP2010SE coupled with an EST Purge and Trap sample   analyzing drinking water supplies. See Table 2 for a listing of Maximum
            concentrator can be used for the analysis of volatile organics in   Contaminant Levels (MCL) for primary drinking water contaminants,
            fracking water samples.                            and Table 3 for a listing of MCLs for secondary contaminants .
                                            Table 1  Example of Flow Back Water Analysis
                                Component                                       Concentration (mg/L)
                                    pH                                               6.6 (S.U)
                              Alkalinity as CaCO3                                     140
                           Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)                              67,300
                           Total Suspended Solids (TSS)                               100
                           Total Organic Carbon (TOC)                                  63
                        Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)                                3
                                Oil & Grease                                          < 5
                                Sodium as Na                                         18,000
                                Calcium as Ca                                        4,950
                              Magnesium as Mg                                         560
                                Barium as Ba                                          690
                                 Iron as Fe                                            40
                                Chloride as Cl -                                     41,850
                             Bicarbonate as HCO3                                       74

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