Page 20 - Shimadzu Journal vol.3 Issue1
P. 20

Environmental Monitoring

            3. International Conference of Asian Environmental   tendency that data reported by Thailand seem higher than those
               Chemistry 2014                                  reported by India, Malaysia and Pakistan for PFOA. In addition,
                                                               significant correlation was obtained between data obtained from
            Disseminating the project activities and findings at relevant   1st and 2nd sampling for PFOS, PFOA and PFOA/PFOS ratio,
            academic conferences is one of the objectives of the project. For   indicating consistency of measurement in each location. In order
            this purpose, a UNU session was established as part of the   to make findings from the project convincible, it is necessary to
            scientific programs of the International Conference of Asian   show reproducibility through continuation of monitoring.”
            Environmental Chemistry (ICAEC) 2014 held from November 24th
            to 26th in Bangkok, Thailand. The ICAEC 2014 focused on the
            importance of preventing pollution by micro-pollutants and
            developing sound environmental management systems in South
            East Asia, East Asia and the South Pacific region. Recent research
            activities and observations of various environmental pollutions by
            micro-pollutants such as PCB, POPs, PPCP, VOC as well as E-waste
            were presented and discussed by more than 500 environmental
            chemists from about 20 countries.
            The National Project Coordinators (NPCs) from eight countries
            joined the UNU session and presented their reports on the
            monitoring activities of PFOA and PFOS in their region that
            occurred during the first half term of the sixth phase of the
            project. The samples were collected from river water in each
            country during the wet and dry seasons of 2013 and 2014. The
            water samples were concentrated using a solid phase extraction
            cartridge and stored in a refrigerator. The final extracts were
            analyzed by electrospray ionization LC-MS/MS and the target      UNU Session at ICAEC 2014
            compounds were detected using multiple reaction monitoring
            (MRM) using the Shimadzu LCMS-8040 installed in Singapore and
            Korea. The procedure was done with reference to the ISO25101:
            2009(E) analytical method.
            In India, samples were collected from the Kaveri, Vellar and
            Teamiraparani Rivers with sampling points randomly selected in
            industrial areas, urban centers and coastal areas. It was observed
            that PFOA concentration had increased when compared with past
            research references and the detection of PFCs in wet reason was
            higher than in dry season. Korea reported on the analysis of PFOS
            and PFOA in water samples collected from rivers, agricultural areas
            and industrialized bays in Korea with the highest concentration
            being 33.2 ng/L for PFOS and 42.2 ng/L for PFOA. Singapore
            provided analysis results of PFOS/PFOA in water samples collected
            from 8 locations in river water, reservoir water and sea water. It
            observed that the major sources of PFCs in environmental water in
            Singapore come from municipal and industrial wastewater
            effluent. The highest concentration value was 19 ng/L for PFOS
                                                                               Poster presentation
            and 7.8 ng/L for PFOA. Contrary to India, the detected
            concentration in dry season was higher than in wet season.
                                                               4. UNU Project and Stockholm Convention on POPs
            Thailand also reported monitoring results with samples collected from
            25 locations in four main rivers, industrial areas and the sea. It   In addition to the NPCs’ report, Dr. Yasuyuki Shibata of the
            presented that the industrial zone indicated high concentration in   National Institute for Environmental Studies in Japan outlined the
            detection during wet season with 729.2 ng/L for PFOS and 118.7 ng/L   global monitoring plan (GMP) activities of POPs under the
            for PFOA. Viet Nam presented concentration of 13 PFCs in surface   Stockholm Convention. The Stockholm Convention is a global
            water collected at 20 sampling locations from drainage systems in   treaty designed to restrict the production and use of persistent
            Hanoi city. The highest concentration was 1.65 ng/L for PFOS and   organic pollutants in order to protect human health and the
            11.64 ng/L for PFOA in rainy season. Aside from oral presentations   environment from these chemicals. The convention was adopted
            from India, Korea, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam during the UNU   in 2001 and 12 chemicals were registered as POPs; an additional
            session, NPCs from the Philippines, Malaysia and Pakistan presented   11 chemicals have since been added. PFCs, the target compounds
            their results during poster sessions at the ICAEC 2014.  of the sixth phase of the UNU-Shimadzu partnership project, were
                                                               listed under the Stockholm Convention in 2009.
            “So far more than 230 and 270 data were obtained for PFOS and
            PFOA, respectively,” said Dr. Osamu Ito, the United Nations   The GMP was established to evaluate the effectiveness of the
            University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability   Stockholm Convention and to provide a comprehensive framework
            (UNU-IAS). “Although it is still difficult to extract any clear trend   for the collection of monitoring data on POPs from all regions,
            across the countries from those limited number of data, there is   compilation of the regional reports and the development of

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