Page 7 - Shimadzu Journal vol.3 Issue1
P. 7

Environmental Analysis

               Analysis of Groundwater Quality Using GC-MS, HS-GC-FID, TOC/TN Analysis,

               ICP-OES, and a Multi-parameter Probe in a Complementary Fashion

            Jonathan Thacker , Doug D. Carlton Jr.. , Zacariah L. Hildenbrand , Brian E. Fontenot , Kevin A. Schug 1,2
            1  Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, The University of  Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019
            2  Affiliate of Collaborative Laboratories for Environmental Analysis and Remediation, The University of Texas at Arlington,
               Arlington TX 76019
            3  Inform Environmental, LLC (Dallas, TX)
            4  Independent Consultant

            1. Introduction                                    3. Metals Analysis with the ICPE-9000

            In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)   There are a variety of metal ions known or suspected to cause
            sets regulations and recommends guidelines for public water   health problems that are regulated by the EPA. The Shimadzu
            systems.   About 15% of Americans rely on their own private wells   ICPE-9000 ICP-OES was used to measure concentrations of various
            for their drinking water, but these are not subject to either state   metal ions. Samples were acidified to a 2% by volume nitric acid
            or federal regulations and are not regularly tested by experts,   solution and then filtered as needed. Quantification was
            unlike public water systems.  The chemical analysis of groundwa-  performed via standard addition to account for varying matrices
            ter can be utilized to assess possible contamination as well as   among the groundwater samples.  High or low cumulative
            inform on possible health risks associated with its consumption.   concentrations of metal ions determined by ICP-OES could be
            The use of multiple instruments to analyze groundwater has the   validated by their correlation with conductivity measurements.
            advantages of describing groundwater samples more completely   100 groundwater samples from the Barnett Shale of North Texas
            than individual measurements, validating measurements, and   were analyzed by ICP-OES and the multiparameter probe. Fig. 1
            protecting against reporting false positives. To demonstrate this   displays the relationship between the sum of estimated concentra-
            combinatorial analytical advantage, a Shimadzu QP2010 Ultra gas   tions of 64 metal elements determined by ICP-OES and conductiv-
            chromatograph- mass spectrometer equipped with a Shimadzu   ity for 100 groundwater samples. These data suggest that a
            AOC-20i / s autosampler and autoinjector (GC-MS), a Shimadzu   relatively high conductivity measurement in groundwater can be a
            GC-2010 plus equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID) and   general indicator of a high total metals concentration.
            a Shimadzu AOC-5000 plus headspace autosampler (HS-GC-FID), a
            Shimadzu TOC-L outfitted with a TNM-L total nitrogen module
            and a Shimadzu ASI-L autosampler (TOC/TN), a Shimadzu   350
            ICPE-9000 inductively coupled plasma- optical emission spectrom-  300  R² = 0.8743
            eter equipped with a mini-torch nebulizer, a CETAC ASX-520      250
            Autosampler (Teledyne Technologies Incorporated; Omaha, NE,
            USA), and argon plasma (ICP-OES), and a YSI Professional Plus   &TU  .FUBM $POD    NH -   200
            multiparameter meter (YSI Incorporated; Yellow Springs, OH, USA)   150
            were used to characterize groundwater samples. These instru-
            ments and associated methods have been applied to analyze   100
            approximately 1000 groundwater samples over a 1-year period in   50
            regions undergoing unconventional oil and gas (UOG) production
            in the USA.                                               0
                                                                       0.0    1.0   2.0   3.0   4.0    5.0   6.0
                                                                                  $POEVDUJWJUZ  N4  DN
            2. General Groundwater Quality Parameters
            At each sampling site, groundwater was purged for approximately   Fig. 1  Total concentration of metal elements determined by
            20 – 30 minutes (until temperature, oxidation/reduction potential,   ICP-OES and its correlation with measured bulk
            and pH values had stabilized) from a water well before collection.   conductivity in 100 groundwater samples.
            The YSI multiparameter probe was used to measure general
            groundwater quality parameters, including temperature, pH,
            conductivity, dissolved oxygen, oxidation/reduction potential, and
            turbidity.  These data may be used to support measurements from
            more detailed analytical techniques.

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