Page 9 - Shimadzu Autograph AGS-X Series
P. 9

Intuitive Machine Operation

               Visual wizard guidance ensures trouble-free entry of method settings
               • Enter complicated method settings using the Method Wizard, which provides an overview of the entire process.
               • Setting entry guidance, linked to online help, is available in each window.
               • Easy-to-understand illustrations are used in the [Tension], [Specimen], and [Data Processing] windows, greatly simplifying
                the entry of settings.

                                                                  Displays illustrations for each specimen shape.
                                                                  A single glance shows which dimensions should be
                                                                  In addition to manual input, dimensions can be set
                                                                  via [Excel batch reading] or [Automatic input
                                                                  via calipers].
                                                                  Enter additional, non-dimensional information for
                                                                  each specimen.

                                                                  Prepare data processing items in advance.
                                                                  Simply press buttons on the  gure to select settings.

                                                                  Illustrations change according to the test mode and
                                                                  specimen material.

                                                                  Create random calculation formula using a data
                                                                  processing item or specimen size.

                                                                  An example of selected plastic (Beside this, rubber and metal are

               Perform high-efficiency, continuous testing utilizing fast data searches and one-touch method selection

                                                                  All Functions
                                                                  All operations are accessible from a top screen.

                                                                  Start testing in just one step after frequently-used
                                                                  methods are recorded in the Quick Method List.

                                                                  Search Conditions
                                                                  Use a keyword or date to quickly search for saved
                                                                  test results and Method  les. Also, easily call up
                                                                   les using previews of reports and lists of settings.

                                                                  Summary Preview
                                                                  Search Result

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