Page 10 - Shimadzu Autograph AGS-X Series
P. 10

Generate Detailed Reports

                     Richly expressive report creation includes free
                     positioning of report elements
                     Report Designer allows  exible layouts. Create reports
                     that include data, charts, photographs, and logs. Freely
                     change the layout and element size, and use detailed
                     settings for each element’s font, color, and ruled line.
                       Reports can be output in PDF, Microsoft  Word, Excel ,
                     HTML formats.
                     After exporting, use your everyday software to customize the report.

                     Conventional Process Control Function
                     Utilize daily test records to create an XBar-R control chart
                     using data that has been extracted for a certain period.
                       Daily test result statistics are available in various units,
                     including date, specimen, batch, etc. The statistical result
                     is displayed on the screen.
                       It is possible to print them by adding the text and to
                     output it as a PDF  le.

                     Choose from Five Software Components to Fit Your Specific Application

                     When multiple software components are purchased, easily switch between modes at a single touch,
                     without starting up separate software.
                     Single Software                                Cycle Software
                     Performs general                               Similar to endurance
                     single-direction testing.                      testing, this software
                     Examples include                               is used for testing
                     tensile, compression,                          where force is
                     bending and peeling                            repeatedly applied
                     tests.                                         and then released.

                     Control Software                               Texture Software
                     Creates any testing                            Measures the features
                     machine operation                              (texture) of foods and
                     pattern. Perform foam                          pharmaceuticals.
                     rubber compression                             Produce special data
                     and holding cycle tests.                       processing results,
                                                                    including mastication,
                                                                    jelly strength and

                     Spring Software
                     Enables the testing of springs. Both the characteristic values speci c
                     to springs and the spring height and length can be measured.

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