Page 7 - Shimadzu Autograph AGS-X Series
P. 7

1 Safety Guard to Protect Against Flying Debris  6 Built-in Main Operation Panel (for 10 kN frame)
                              A vertically sliding safety guard is            Call up test methods from
                              available. Opens easily with one                TRAPEZIUM LITE X to conduct
                              hand. When the safety guard is                  testing.
                              open, an interlock function                       Naturally, AGS-X can be used as a
                              disables testing and return                     standalone tester to test specimens
                              movement.                                       using methods created with the
                                                                              tester itself.

               2 One-Touch Stroke Limiters

                              Pinch and slide; release to lock.
                              One-touch stroke limiters permit   7 Main Operation Panel
                              simple one-touch adjustment and                 The main operation panel enables
                               rm locking of the crosshead stroke             the development and storing of test
                              limit positions.                                conditions, allowing testing without
                                                                              having to connect to a PC.
                                                                                Perform various operations with
                                                                              the jog wheel, such as opening and
               3 Load Cell                                                    shutting the button for automatic
                                                                              grips or the automatic extensometer.
                              For the range of 1/500 to 1/1 of
                              the load cell rating, a single load               The main operational panel is
                              cell that guarantees test force                 movable, allowing convenient
                              accuracy to ±0.5% of the                        adjustment of the angle.
                              indicated value (for high-preci-                • The controller is needed separately for the
                              sion type) covers an extensive                   automatic opening and shutting of jigs.
                              testing range. The load cell rated
                              value is stored in the calibration   8 Emergency Stop Button
                              cable and automatically recognized
                              when the cable is connected.    Reliably cuts off power to the servo ampli er, instanta-
                                                              neously stopping crosshead movement in the event of an

               4 Crosshead
                                                              9 Multipurpose Tray (Desk-top frame)
               Achieves a 1,600 mm/min testing speed and a 2,200
               mm/min return speed (20 kN frame), signi cantly reducing       Large space in front of the
               the time required to conduct repetitive testing.               instrument. Perfect for placing jigs,
                                                                              arranging specimens, or taking notes.

               5 Common Joint for Both Tensile and
                 Compression Tests (20–300 kN frame)

                              Adopts a single joint for both
                              tension and compression tests.  Jog Controller (option for 10 kN frame)
                                 This makes it easier to
                              exchange jigs. In addition, the                 Allows hand-held control of the
                              joint is set with a nut placed in               crosshead position. The jog dial
                              the upper part of the loading cell,             makes  ne positioning a breeze,
                              which allows for safe detachment                particularly when setting the start
                              of the joint on the table.                      position for bending and
                                                                              compression tests.

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