Page 16 - Shimadzu Autograph AGS-X Series
P. 16

Jigs for Specific Testing and Specimen Shapes
                                                      Yarn  Cord       JIS Z0237    JIS Z1528       Adhesive Adhesive
                     Pneumatic Capstan Grips                        Adhesive Tape Peeling
                     for Yarn                                       Test Device
                     These grips grip a yarn or cord specimen       The sample table slides in synchroniza-
                     from the capstan (winch). The                  tion with the upper grip movement to
                     pneumatic operation allows application         maintain a 90° peeling angle. Peeling
                     of an initial test force.                      test jig compliant with JIS Z0237 and JIS

                       ASTM 1894     JIS K7312                          ISO 37     ASTM D412
                        ISO 8295     JIS K7125       Plastics  Film      JIS K6251 / JIS K7312           O-ring
                     Friction Modulus Test Device                   1 kN Roller Grips
                     For measurements of the coef cient of          The O-ring is hooked onto rollers, which
                     sliding friction between identical plastics    rotate during tensile testing. Conforms
                     or  lms or between different materials         to JIS K6251, JIS K7312, ISO 37, and
                     across the continuous range from static        ASTM D412 test standards.
                     friction to dynamic friction. Two
                     versions: compliant with JIS K7312 /
                     ASTM 1894 and compliant with JIS
                     K7125 / ISO 8295.

                     • Jigs for CFRP Testing Standards  CFRP

                         ASTM D6484 / D6484M                            ASTM D7137 / D7137M

                     Open-Hole Compression                          Testing the Compressive
                     Strength Testing on Polymer                    Residual Strength
                     Matrix Composite Laminate                      Characteristics of a Damaged
                                                                    Polymer Matrix Composite Plate
                     ASTM D6484 is a typical method used
                     to determine the compressive strength          The testing is performed on rectangular
                     of CFRP open-hole samples.                     samples made of composite materials
                                                                    that have already been subjected to
                                                                    impact testing. The sample is mounted
                                                                    on the jig and subjected to compression

                         ASTM D5379 / D5379M
                              JIS K7079-2                               ASTM D7078 / D7078M

                     In-Plane Shear Testing                         V-Notched Rail Shear Testing
                     Double-V-Notched Sample                        and Evaluation of Composites
                     Shearing                                       This testing applies shear forces to
                     The in-plane shear strength, in-plane          mounted samples with 90-degree
                     shear fracture strain, and in-plane shear      V-notches at the top and bottom.
                     elastic modulus of carbon- ber-rein-
                     forced plastics can be determined by
                     the Iosipescu test, which is an in-plane
                     shear test on double-V-notched samples.

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