Page 9 - Shimadzu UV-3600 Plus
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Extensive Selection of Application Programs  Electrical, Electronics, and Optics

 for a Wide Variety of Applications  Transmittance Measurement of Lenses

               Imaging devices, such as mobile phones, digital cameras, and security cameras, are all equipped with lenses. The transmittance of
               a lens is one factor that determines lens performance. However, because the lens itself focuses light, it is an especially difficult
 Electrical, Electronics, and Optics  type of sample to measure accurately.
 High-absorbance measurement of polarizing films       Because of the focal capability of lenses, the total light passing through the spectrophotometer during the measurement of
 Reflection measurement of multilayer films  the baseline can be different than after passing through the lens during measurement due to refraction. In such cases, the use of
               an integrating sphere can be used to collect all the light passing through the lens and provide for more accurate measurements.
 Absolute reflectance measurement of highly reflective mirrors
               In addition, using the transmission-type integrating sphere included with the BIS-603 can reduce measurement errors.
 Spectral characteristic measurement of beam splitters       Using an MPC-603A multipurpose large sample compartment with an optional V-stage enables transmittance measurements
 Relative emission measurement of LEDs  for various size and length lenses.
 Transmittance measurement of quartz plates       The MPC-603A and BIS-603 are an ideal combination for measuring lenses.
 Absolute reflectance measurement of anti-reflection coatings
                                                               Measurement of lens by  Measurement of lens by
 Transmittance measurement of functional films                4-hole type of integrating sphere  transmission-type integrating sphere
 Diffuse reflectance measurement and band gap measurement of semiconductor materials
 Transmittance measurement of solar cell cover glass, etc.
 Construction                                                             lens                   lens

 Transmittance measurement of window glass and window glass films
                                                          There may be a measurement error caused by  There may no measurement error because
 Reflectance measurement of paints and building materials  reflectance differences between the reference  of the same reflectance in internal surface
                                                           and internal surface of integrating sphere.  of integrating sphere.
 Transportation Equipment

 LiDAR collision avoidance sensor evaluation system

 Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics, and Life Sciences
 Cosmetic color measurement and ultraviolet screening measurement  Electrical, Electronics, and Optics
 Measurement of drugs containing crystallization water
 Measurement of moisture in plants  Transmittance Measurement of Very Small Samples
 Measurement of various amino acids  The current miniaturization of various products, such as sensors,
 Quantitation of proteins and nucleic acids  means that the measurement of very small samples is now required.
               The figure shows the results of a transmission spectrum measurement
 Near-infrared measurement of pharmaceutical components
               on a micro-sensor window.
                    When measuring very small samples, the light beam must be
 Chemicals     adjusted to the sample size. Therefore, by using the UV-3600i Plus in
 Transmittance and color measurements of plastic materials  combination with an optional MPC-603A multipurpose large sample
 Reflectance measurement of silica-based white powered materials  compartment, small beam aperture unit (P/N 206-22051-41), and
               small sample holder (P/N 206-28055-41), the optical system can be
 Thickness measurement of thin films
               configured to enable measurement of even micro areas by focusing
 Near-infrared measurement of organic solvents  the beam down to diameters as small as  2 mmø.
 Haze measurement of plastics        The MPC-603A is a UV-3600i Plus option that enables the
               measurement of various samples ranging from small large.
 Diffuse reflectance measurement of wheat flour  Options Used for Measurements
 Quantitation of vitamins, food additives, and minerals
 Quantitation of phenol elution in containers and packaging materials  MPC-603A Multi-Purpose  Micro Beam Lens Unit  Micro Sample Holder  Others
               Large-Sample Compartment                                                   ・ V stage
 Textiles                                                                                 ・ BIS-603 Sample
                                                                                              Base Plate
 Transmittance and reflectance measurements and ultraviolet screening measurement of textiles     Integrating
 Color measurement of textiles                                                                Sphere Set

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