Page 9 - Shimadzu TOC-V Series
P. 9

S Model with Screen and Keyboard or P Model Under PC Control
 Select the Model that Suits Your Application

 Supports FDA 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance  S Models
 Combining TOC-Control V, which offers security and operation log features, with Shimadzu's
 CLASS-Agent data management tool, provides full support for complying with FDA 21 CFR Part 11 requirements.  TOC-VWS  The combination of simple, easily operated keyboard and large LCD makes these
                             models easy to use.
 User Authentication  Link with CLASS-Agent Software
 A user ID and password are used to prevent unauthorized   Measurement data from TOC-Control V can be output to
 access. Access rights can be specified for individual users.   CLASS-Agent databases for integral management with data
 from other instruments.

            A separate window for each measurement             Helpful operation guides are displayed.
            condition setting item enhances clarity and ease of

 Operation Log
 The software can maintain a record of all operations, which   Recommended PC Specifications
 allows tracking the history of instrument operating status and   Models  DOS / V Compatible Models
 any changes to settings.   OS  Windows 7 Professional ( 32 bit version )
 Windows Vista Business ( 32 bit version )
 Windows XP Professional ( 32 bit version )
 CPU  2 GHz min. ( Windows 7, Windows Vista )
 1.5 GHz min. ( Windows XP )
 Main memory  2 GHz min. ( Windows 7, Windows Vista )
 1 GHz min. ( Windows XP )
 Hard Disc  40 GB min.
 Monitor  XGA ( 1024 × 768 cot ) min.
            Frequently used functions such as calibration,     The method function registers measurement
 CD-R Drive
 RS-232C Connector  measurement, and ASI measurement are assigned   conditions.
 *PC and monitor must be purchased separately.  dedicated keys to reduce operations.

 Features (Common to S and P Models)

 Automatic setting of optimal measurement   Automatic selection of the best calibration curve  Automatic exclusion of anomalous values and   Comprehensive calibration system handles many
 conditions  Up to three calibration curves can be set for sample   re-calculation of repeated analyses  uses
 When creating the calibration curve, the optimal measurement   measurement. The optimal calibration curve is selected for the   The mean value, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation   Output is linearized for the entire range.
 conditions are displayed when the standard solution   sample and the sample measurements are conducted using   are displayed and printed during repeated analyses. Anomalous   Calibration curve can be created to compensate for TC in
 concentration is set. Detailed calibration curve information can   these measurement conditions.   values can be automatically eliminated and re-calculated.  water used for standard solution adjustment.
 easily be referenced when setting the measurement conditions.    A maximum of 25 (model S; model P has no limit) calibration
            Convenient automatic power off function               curves can be stored and recalled. All calibration curve data
 Automatic condition changing and   Automatic power off after the electric furnace cools down   can be displayed and recorded.
 re-analysis of out-of-range samples  ensures power is not left on and saves energy.
 If the sample peak goes over the calibration curve range,
 measurement conditions such as dilution rate and injection
 volume are automatically changed and the analysis is repeated.

                                                                                               TOC-V Series
 8                                                                                                 Wet Oxidation TOC Analyzer  9
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12