Page 7 - Shimadzu TOC-V Series
P. 7
More Powerful, More User Friendly, and More of What You Need!
Operability - Easier and more intuitive. Functionality - Useful functions facilitate your analysis operations.
Add samples to serial measurements
already in progress (Stat samples)
Samples can be added even during serial measurements using
Easy-to-understand display
of sample name, Select operations Uses color and text to an autosampler.
Icons and functions are sample ID and measurement from the right-click clearly indicate the
shown on large buttons. results for specified analyte. menu on the table. instrument status.
Select samples to include in report
Use [Shift] and [Ctrl] keys to select desired samples to be
included in report outputs.
The sample for report output
can be appointed voluntarily.
Create schedule files
Measurement of multiple samples with specified
measurement conditions or vial numbers can be registered as
a schedule file to facilitate routine measurements.
Import or export text files
Measurement results can be exported as text files that can be
used in Excel or other applications. Similarly, text files created
according to a specific format can be imported as
Lists files being used by type. The same character strings or serial numbers
Allows sorting by file name or creation date. such as sample IDs and vial numbers can be entered measurement schedules.
Shows file contents using tooltip. automatically by dragging over the cells.
Samples can be inserted by dragging method files.
4 Quality control
9 Quality control samples can be inserted in measurement
schedules. If measurement results exceed a pre-certified
range, recalibration is automatically performed.
Categorize by type
TOC-V Series
6 Wet Oxidation TOC Analyzer 7