Page 13 - Shimadzu Nexera UC
P. 13

System configuration examples

 On-line SFE-SFC-MS System  Nexera UC/s SFC/UHPLC Switching System

 In this system, solid samples are extracted by supercritical fluid and introduced to SFC on-line. The time   This system can switch automatically between SFC analysis and UHPLC analysis and make measurements
 for pretreatment of samples is drastically shortened. In addition, samples are extracted under   on a single sample in each separation mode. It enhances user-friendliness and operability by allowing the
 light-shielding and anaerobic conditions in order to protect labile analytes from degradation.  investigation of separation conditions and performing reverse-phase high-speed analysis in a single
            system. Shimadzu also provides a kit to upgrade from your current UHPLC system to the UHPLC/SFC
            switching system.

 Simultaneous analysis of pesticides over a wide range of polarity  Analytical Fraction System
 With conventional methods, both LC (LC/MS/MS) and GC (GC/MS/MS) are needed to analyze pesticides. In contrast,
 the Nexera UC On-line SFE-SFC system can extract and analyze the full range of pesticides automatically.
 Pretreatment requires only homogenization and dehydration, which takes 1/7 the time of the QuEChERS method.  By adding the FRC-40 SF fraction collector to the Nexera UC, small-volume fractionation is also possible. A
 Adding the optional Rack Changer enables automated analysis of up to 48 samples.  complete workflow can be carried out seamlessly on one system, from evaluation of analytical conditions
            with method scouting to fractionation on the order of a few mg. Shimadzu’s unique, patented
 Extraction and analysis of labile samples without degradation  LotusStream separator successfully reduces sample dispersion and carryover while also achieving high

 Samples are extracted under light-shielding and anaerobic conditions so that labile compounds can be analyzed   recovery rates.
 without degradation.

 Quick start of cleaning validation in pharmaceutical industry

 Regardless of the sample polarity, the only required preparation step is enclosing the sample swab in an extraction
 vessel. The Nexera UC On-line SFE-SFC-MS system automatically starts extraction for analysis.

 Analysis of polymer additives where other analytical instruments struggle

 Polymer additives are insoluble in THF or chloroform and hard to sublime; therefore, GPC and GC are not
 applicable. The Nexera UC On-line SFE-SFC system easily extracts and analyzes them.

                                                                                                  Nexera UC
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