Page 7 - Shimadzu MST-I
P. 7

• During the test the state of the instrument is displayed on the monitor in color and marks.
        Set parameters such as the speed and break point can be checked at a glance.
       The display style can be set to suit your preferences.
       • The “User Style Registration” function allows setting and   Navigation
        registration of user-defined screen layout.
       • The sizes of the sensor and toolbar can be adjusted to 3
                                                           Easy testing using the navigation system
        different levels.
       • A user-defined toolbar can be created to display frequently   The Navigation Bar selectively displays functions needed for the current
        used functions only.                               operation. Continuous tests can be efficiently carried out by simply
                                                           pressing large buttons.

                                                             Operating instructions are
                                                             displayed in the message

                                                                 The buttons change in response to the state of the test.
                                                                 The buttons are displayed in order of relevance. Almost
                                                                 all operations can be carried out by simply pressing
                                                                 these buttons.


                                                           Responding to the
                                                           broadband era
                                                           Reports can be automatically
                                                           transmitted via e-mail, LAN and FTP.
                                                           User-defined report style
                                                           • Various kinds of information can be
                                                            easily added to reports.
                                                           • The “Custom Report Function”
                                                            allows the creation of reports in user-
                                                            defined formats including a corporate
                                                            Output of test results as PDF files
                                                            Reports can be output as PDF files. By sending the PDF files via e-mail,
                                                            it is possible to print out reports anywhere, even without the testing
       • The “Point Picking” function allows easy           machine.
        confirmation of values on the graph. Also, the
                                                            Compatibility with commercial software
        data processing results can be changed on the
                                                            Test results and graphs can be output to spreadsheets and
        graph.                                              word-processing software.

                                                           • Part number  TRAPEZIUM2 (RS232C cable included)
                                                                                Software          Part number
                                                                             Single software     345-47308-01
                                                                             Cycle software      345-47308-02
                                                                             Control software    345-47308-03
                                                                             Set                 345-47308

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