Page 3 - Shimadzu MST-I
P. 3

o A
                                        utograph MST
               Micro Autograph MST-I
               Shimadzu Micro Strain Tester

               Supports Strength Evaluation at the μm/mN Level

               Recently, with miniaturization of electronic equipment, increasingly small components are
               mounted at increasingly high densities. Accordingly, demands are increasing for strength-

               evaluation testing on micro areas (particularly micro displacements) and on micro-specimens.
               The Micro Autograph MST-I generates accurate micro testing loads by converting a servomotor
               output to linear motion with a precision ballscrew. To achieve more accurate positioning and

               displacement measurements, a linear sensor fixed to the linear-moving unit conducts
               displacement control in the load direction. The optional XY stage and stereomicroscope simplify


               1.Soldered joint strength evaluation for chip components (shear, peeling)
               2.Solder ball joint strength evaluation (tension, compression, shear)
               3.Bonding wire joint strength evaluation
               4.Bonding wire tensile strength evaluation
               5.Metal foil physical strength evaluation (tensile strength, flexural rigidity)
               6.Connector pin insertion-force measurement (insertion, withdrawal)
               7.Monofilament tensile strength evaluation (tensile strength)

                     Highly accurate                  Micro test-force                 Position
                     displacement                     measurements                     micro-specimens
                                                      • The extensive range of load    • The optional XY stage
                     •  A high-accuracy (±0.2 μm)     cells, from 0.5 N to 2 kN,       simplifies the positioning of
                      linear sensor is employed for   guarantees ±1% accuracy from     micro-specimens.
                      the measurement of              2 mN.                            • The optional stereomicroscope
                      displacements in the load                                        allows observation of the
                      direction. The backlash-free                                     specimen positioning.
                      construction ensures excellent
                      test accuracy.
                     •  Displacements in the load     Highly rigid frame               TRAPEZIUM 2 data-
                      direction with respect to the
                                                                                       processing software
                      specimen can be accurately set
                      to 0.02 μm displacement-        • The high-rigidity              • Latest user interface with Windows XP
                      display resolution and 0.005 μm   (more than 45kN/mm) frame      compatibility
                      (Type HR) or 0.02 μm (Type      permits the measurement          • Set all test conditions using TRAPEZIUM 2.
                      HS) control resolution.         ofmicroscopic displacements.     • View sampling data and graphs in realtime
                                                                                       during testing.
                                                                                       • Comprehensive data processing functions
                                                                                       simplify data analysis.

              Contents       P 4 - Features              P 5 - Accessories           P 6 - Software
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