Page 4 - Shimadzu MST-I
P. 4


         Test Examples

           MST-I permits the strength testing of micro-components and monofilaments that were previously hard to test.
         Tensile Testing of Bonding Wire

                                                                              Force (mN)

           Fig. 1
           Bonding Wire Tensile Testing
                                                                 Fig. 2
         Fig. 1 shows an overview of the bonding wire tensile test. Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 show the   Bonding Wire Tensile
                                                                 Testing (Lead)         Stroke (μm)
         stroke (displacement) – test force curves for the leads and chip, respectively. The
         optional stereoscopic microscope and XY stage were used to visually position the
         test specimen. The 30  μm-diameter bonding wire was grasped in the optional micro-
         chuck. It is apparent that the fine test specimen was firmly gripped and that data was
         collected up to break.
         As the wire broken in the lead test in Fig. 2, a plastic deformation region (region of
         large extension with respect to the test force) appears immediately before the point   Force (mN)
         of break. The test force at break was read as 55 mN. In the chip test in Fig. 3, the
         bond separated from the chip, and no plastic deformation region is apparent. The
         test force at break was read as 57 mN.
         The tensile strength of bonding wire was conventionally tested by applying the test
                                                                 Fig. 3
         force through a hook that is hooked onto the wire. However, the Micro Autograph can   Bonding Wire Tensile
         measure the wire joint strength separately on both the chip and leads.  Testing (Chip)  Stroke (μm)
         Compression Testing of Thin Speakers                   Tensile Testing of Monofilaments

                Load cell

             Fig. 4                                                   Fig. 6
             Compression Testing of a                                 Tensile Testing of a
             Thin Speaker                                             Natural Monofilament
         Fig. 4 shows an overview of the compression testing of a thin speaker, and   Fig. 6 shows an overview of the tensile test on a monofilament (7 mm long x
         Fig. 5 shows the stroke (displacement) – test force curve for the test. The   0.05 mm dia.) and Fig. 7 shows the stroke (displacement) – test force curve for
         indenter was pressed into the center of the speaker diaphragm. Fig. 5 shows   the test. The optional stereoscopic microscope and XY stage were used to
         that the distance before contact between the indenter and speaker surface   visually position the test specimen. One end of the monofilament was attached
         was approximately 0.05 mm, and that a region of high linearity exists for   in advance with adhesive, while the other end was grasped in a micro-chuck. It
         about 0.2 mm after the point of contact.               is apparent that the data was collected up to failure. The test force at failure
                                                                was read as 94 mN. The wave-like
                                                                disturbance immediately after the
                                                                test was started is thought to result
                                                                from peeling of the edge of the
                                                                adhesive as the test force is applied
                       Force (mN)                               to the monofilament.     Force (mN)
                                                                The micro-chuck can grasp
                                                                specimens of about 0.5 mm. In
                                                                cases where only specimens of a
                                                                restricted size are available, this
                                                                system can test them effectively.
          Fig. 5
          Compression Testing                                    Fig. 7
          of a Thin Speaker       Stroke (μm)                    Tensile Testing of a Natural Monofilament  Stroke (μm)
           Other Applications     Use for diverse applications, such as the strength evaluation of micromachines or biospecimens.

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