Page 4 - Shimadzu LCMS-IT-TOF
P. 4
Original and Advanced Technology
What is the IT-TOF?
There are several types of LC/MS instruments in the market cur- tures excellent resolution and mass accuracy compared to the
rently. The single quadrupole and triple quadrupole instruments above-mentioned types of instruments. They do exhibit a down-
are primarily used for quantitative analysis, while the ion trap, side in that it is not possible for Qq-TOF instruments to perform
LC-TOF and Qq-TOF instruments are primarily used for qualitative MS or greater as their construction does not support MS .
analysis. Triple quadrupoles are excellent instruments for quanti-
Shimadzu developed a new type of hybrid mass spectrometer, the
tative analysis, although they falter in comparison to other types n
LCMS-IT-TOF, which possesses both the MS ability of an ion trap
of mass spectrometers in terms of mass accuracy and resolution.
and the excellent resolution and mass accuracy of a TOF.
Ion traps excel in structural analysis due to their ability to perform
MS ; however, the mass accuracy and resolution, like with a triple The LCMS-IT-TOF opens new doors to the prediction of elemental
composition and structural analysis.
quadrupole MS, are limited. On the other hand, the Qq-TOF fea-
Compressed Ion Introduction (CII™)
The ion optical system used in the LCMS-IT-TOF leads to a novel ion all of the CII-accumulated ions enter the ion trap. This new method
introduction method referred to as Compressed Ion Introduction or of controlling the ion trap, which is quite different from a tradition-
CII, where the combination of the skimmer, octopole and first lens al ion trap, is adopted for the LCMS-IT-TOF. The development of
converts the continuous stream of ions into pulses for introduction this CII effectively couples the LC system to the MS and enables a
into the ion trap. This method makes it possible to control the ac- dramatic improvement over the previously deficient ion capture
cumulation of ions before they are introduced into the ion trap, al- rate of the ion trap, thereby increasing sensitivity.
lowing the RF to be applied to the ring electrode at the instant that
Lens 1 (+60 V) Lens 1 (+60 V) Lens 1 (-80 V)
Skimmer (+8 V) Skimmer (-30 V) Skimmer (-30 V) Ion trap
"Open" "Closed" "Closed"
Lens 1 Lens 1 Lens 1
Skimmer Skimmer Skimmer
Ion trap