Page 7 - Shimadzu LCMS-9050
P. 7

The charts on the left each plot the mass errors with respect to theoretical values for six antibiotic
               components (with molecular weights ranging from 265 to 1203 Da) analyzed continuously under normal
               laboratory conditions. When three components of antibiotics were analyzed each in positive and negative
               ion mode, the exact masses of all components showed stable mass accuracy within ±2 ppm of the
               theoretical values for 72 hours without a single mass calibration. The LCMS-9050's precisely controlled
               temperature control system minimizes the effects of changes in room temperature and achieves stable mass
                                     accuracy without the need for calibration. Mass accuracy (external calibration) within ±3 ppm was obtained
                                           for all components in the simultaneous analysis of positive and negative ions. Stable mass accuracy is
                                              maintained even during long-time continuous analysis using the positive-negative switching mode.

               Increasing Workflow Efficiency with Polarity Switching

               Analysis that was previously performed twice in positive ion mode and negative ion mode can now be
                performed in one analysis, improving the analysis throughput. In addition, positive and negative ions can
               be detected in the pretreated sample under the same conditions without any time lag, improving the
                      reliability of the analytical data.

               Positive Ion Mode Measurement               Positive-Negative Switching Mode Measurement
                (x10,000)                                    (x100,000)
              6 0
                                                           1 00
              4 0
              2 0
                                                           0 80
              0 0
                0 0  2 0  4 0  6 0  8 0  10 0  12 0  14 0  16 0 min
                                                           0 60

               Negative Ion Mode Measurement
                                                           0 40


              8 0
              6 0                                          0 20
              4 0
              2 0
                                                           0 00
              0 0
                0 0  2 0  4 0  6 0  8 0  10 0  12 0  14 0  16 0 min  0 0  2 0  4 0  6 0  8 0  10 0  12 0  14 0  16 0 min
                        Conventional Q-TOF                                  LCMS-9050

                                                                            The positive-negative switching
               3 5  (x1,000,000)                                            mode was used to analyze a
                                      Positive  541.2703
                                      Ion                                   commercially marketed
                                 3 0         ∆0.6mDa
                                                                            atorvastatin calcium sample. By

               2 5                                                          switching between positive and
                    O  OH OH O
                   H                   250  500  750  m/z             O     negative ion modes, both the
                   N  N   OH
               2 0

                      F                                      O     OH  OH   principal component atorvastatin
                   Atorvastatin                             N   N     OH
                            1 5       Negative  539.2554    H               and the impurities specified in
                                      Ion    ∆0.3mDa
                            1 0                                             the European Pharmacopoeia
                                                                            (EP) were detected.  All were
                 TIC (+)                                       Impurity A
                                                                            detected with high mass accuracy
               0 5
                                       250  500  750  m/z
                 TIC (-)                                                    within ±1 ppm. Measuring in
               0 0
                                                                            both positive and negative
                 8 0  9 0  10 0  11 0  12 0  min
                                                                            modes provides more
                                    Impurity Analysis of Atorvastatin       information for high-confidence
                                                                            impurity identification.
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12