Page 11 - Shimadzu LCMS-9050
P. 11

Data analysis with easy operation

               LabSolutions Insight Explore is easy and intuitive to use. Analysis results are visually organized for easy

               understanding, and all necessary information is presented on a single screen. For example, structural
               analysis and compound identification by library search can be performed in three steps.

               Structural Analysis Procedure

                STEP 1                            STEP 2                         STEP 3
               Use the "Compositional Estima-    Search for structural formulas   Attribute fragmentation using
               tion" function to find the         of candidate compounds using   the "Assign" function.
               composition of the candidate      online databases.

               Compound identification procedure by library search
                STEP 1                            STEP 2                         STEP 3
               The ”Analyze" function is         Perform a library search for   The results of the library
               performed on the acquired         MS/MS spectra included in      search are displayed along
               data to register the detected     the detected compound          with the structural formula
               compound information in the       information.                   and library similarity.
               compound table.

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