Page 8 - Shimadzu LCMS-2020
P. 8

Diverse Ionization Methods Expand the Range                                                                               LabSolutions LCMS

            of Applications

            Selecting the ionization method appropriate for the target                                                                Unified software for LCMS data acquisition and processing.
            compound achieves superior analysis results.                                                                              Single point of control for UFLC/LCMS-2020 LCMS systems.

                                                                                                                                      Easily create LC and MS acquisition parameters in a single method, and quickly review results in the Data Browser window.
            LCMS-2020 offers APCI and DUIS in addition to ESI. Diverse ionization methods support a wide range of applications.

            Selecting the most appropriate Ionization Method

             Compounds  DNA              B      —       B       Functional   Acid           A       B      A
                      Proteins           A      —       B       groups   Alcohol            C       B      B
                      Peptides           A      —       B                Aldehyde           C       B      B
                      Amino acids        B      —       B                Alkane             —       C      C
                      Macromolecules     B      C       B                Alkyne             —       B      B
                      Carbohydrates      B      A       A                Amino              A       A      A
                      Triglycerides      B      A       A                Carbonyl           C       B      B
                      Aromatic hydrocarbons  C  C       C                Ester              B       A      A
                      Aliphatic hydrocarbons  —  C      C                Ether              C       B      B
             Properties  Polar           A      B       A                Phenol             B       A      A
                      Non-polar         —       B       B
                      Volatile           A      A       A                  A   Extremely suitable
                      Non-volatile       A      —       A                  B   Suitable                                                                                                    Manual peak integration bar       Peak table
                      Thermostable       A      A       A                  C   Analysis possible with appropriate parameters
                      Thermolabile       A      —       C                  —   Inherently unsuitable                                                                                                                     MS spectrum

                                                                                                                                                 Control                Target
             Ion Source Options
                                                                                                                                      Data Comparison                                    Quantitative Analysis
            While the water-soluble vitamins thiamine and riboflavin can be   APCI but ESI does not offer adequate detection sensitivity.   Mass spectrometer (MS) and photodiode array (UV) data can be   Use total ion chromatograms, extracted ion chromatograms, or
            detected by ESI, they are virtually undetectable by APCI.   DUIS-2020 allows detection of a mixture of compounds suited to   overlaid or arranged for simultaneous viewing to discover   individual UV wavelength chromatograms for quantitative
            Conversely, the fat-soluble vitamin calciferol can be detected by   ESI or APCI, without missing any compounds.           differences in sample characteristics. A wide variety of user   analysis. The browser window simultaneously loads calibration
                                                                                                                                      preferences is available to interrogate spectra and chromatograms.  curve and sample data for rapid analysis and review of an entire
             APCI-2020                        MS Chromatograms                                                                                                                            batch.
                                                                                                                                      Automated MS Voltage Optimization
                                                                                                                                      Shimadzu's sophisticated auto-tune file comprehensively establishes MS voltages. For individual compound optimization, an easy
                                                                                                                                      software tool can be used.

                 Corona needle

                                              MS Spectra from DUIS Measurements
                ESI probe
                                                              m/z                     m/z                     m/z                       SIM Table         Method Optimization Window      Method Optimization         SIM Table
              Corona needle                          Thiamine               Riboflavin                Calciferol                         Enter the target m/z  Specify the conditions to search for the   Result Window  The optimal voltage value is
                                              Mixed Sample of Three Water-soluble/Fat-soluble Vitamins                                                    optimal voltage                                             set into the SIM table
                                              1. Thiamine: m/z 265, [M] + , water-soluble vitamin                                                                                         The Search results of the optimal
                                              2. Riboflavin: m/z 377, [M+H] + , water-soluble vitamin                                                                                      voltage value are displayed  automatically
                                              3. Calciferol: m/z 397, [M+H] + , fat-soluble vitamin                                                       Automatic analysis execution
      8                                                                                                                                                                                                                Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer  9
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