Page 7 - Shimadzu LCMS-2020
P. 7

UFscanning & UFswitching  Rugged Yet Sophisticated Hardware

 UFswitching and UFscanning for Ultra-fast Analysis  Stands Up to Difficult Matrices  Easy Maintenance

 Rapid elution and sharp chromatographic peaks require Ultra   Complex biological matrices can easily foul a mass spectrometer,   The desolvation line (DL) that introduces the sample from the ion
 Fast MS acquisition. The three-second wide peaks in this   but the LCMS-2020 possesses proven durability. The graph   source into the vacuum chamber can be installed and uninstalled
 Inten. (×100,000)
 chromatogram were acquired on multiple SIM channels with   below shows the results of 2,500 consecutive injections (1 µL   without breaking the vacuum, which dramatically improves
 4.00  Methomyl  Thiodicarb
 polarity switching to demonstrate the outstanding quantitative   each) of protein precipitated plasma over the course of 10 days.   ease-of-maintenance.
 performance of the LCMS-2020.  Bentazone (−)  Excellent stability and precision were demonstrated; Nortriptyline
 3.50  Bentazone (+)  peak area %RSD = 2.26%.
 3.25                             Nortriptyline                                                   Vacuum region
 Triclopyl         1.2
 Polarity switching time   Polarity switching time   Dymuron (+)           DL
 15 msec  15 msec  3.00
 Positive-ion   Negative-ion   Positive-ion   2.75  Dymuron (−)  0.8
 measurement   measurement   measurement
 15,000 u/sec  15,000 u/sec  15,000 u/sec  2.50  Iprodione (+)  0.6  %RSD 2.26
                              Internal standard
 2.25  Iprodione (−)  0.4     Analysis time 6 min
                              2500 injections over 10 days
 Sample: Polarity  2.00                                                              Vacuum is maintained
                   0.0                                                               even when DL is removed
 1  Methomyl:   m/z 163 (+)  0  500  1000  1500  2000  2500
 1.75  Carpropamid (+)
 2  Thiodicarb:   m/z 355 (+)  Plasma Sample Injection Number
 1.50  Carpropamid (−)
 3  Bentazone:   m/z 239 (−)
 4  Bentazone:   m/z 241 (+)  1.25
 5  Triclopyl:   m/z 256 (−)  1.00  Fragment Ion Information by In-source CID
 6  Dymuron:   m/z 269 (+)
 0.75       In-source CID (collision-induced dissociation) is effective for confirming the molecular weight of synthetic compounds and
 7  Dymuron:   m/z 313 (−)  for the quantitation of impurities.
 8  Iprodione:   m/z 330 (+)
 9  Iprodione:   m/z 243 (−)  0.25  MS Chromatogram for Erythromycin Measurements    Using in-source CID allows the generation of fragment ions. This
 10 Carpropamid:  m/z 334 (+)  0.00  DL=0V, Qarray DC=0V       example shows the structure of impurities in erythromycin
 11 Carpropamid:  m/z 378 (−)                                  estimated from fragment ions generated by in-source CID.
 0.00  0.25  0.50  0.75  min  6.0  (×1,000,000)
                      TIC chromatogram   Erythromycin          The multi-sequence mode permits several other methods within a
                   5.0                   (major component)
                   4.0                                         single analysis, such as CID, positive/negative ion switching
                   2.0                                         modes, and SCAN/SIM modes.
                   1.0                                         Utilize single quadrupole mass spectrometry to its fullest
 Examples of ionization in positive and negative modes  0.0 0.0  0.5  1.0  1.5  2.0  2.5  min  potential by conducting multiple experiments in a single run.
                     (×100,000)    Magnified view
 MS Spectra of Bentazone  MS Spectra of Dymuron  MS Spectra of Carpropamid  8.0  TIC chromatogram  3
                   7.0      Erythromycin
 Inten. (×100,000)  Inten. (×100,000)  Inten. (×10,000)  6.0  (major component)
 5.0  7.0          5.0
 Negative  239 [M−H] −  3  Positive  269 [M+H] +  6  Positive  + 10  4.0  2  4
 1.5  4.0  6.0  334 [M+H]  3.0  1
 3.0  4.0            1.25  1.50   1.75  2.00  2.25  min
 2.0          MS Spectra (Normal mode) DL=0V, Qarray DC=0V       MS Spectra (In-source CID mode) DL=0V, Qarray DC=60 V
 0.5  2.0
 1.0               Inten. (×1,000,000)                                  Inten. (×100,000)
 1.0             3.0                             734                                          576
 0.0  0.0  0.0   2.5  Erythromycin (major component)                  5.0  158                        734
 150.0  200.0  250.0  300.0  350.0  m/z  150.0  200.0  250.0  300.0  350.0  m/z  150.0  200.0  250.0  300.0  350.0  m/z  2.0
                 1.5                                         CID      3.0
 Inten. (×100,000)  Inten. (×100,000)  Inten. (×10,000)  1.0          2.0
 5.0             0.5                                                  1.0  116              558
 Positive  241 [M+H] +  4  1.25  Negative  313 [M+HCOO] −  7  6.0  Negative  11
 4.0  378 [M+HCOO] −  0.0 100  200  300  400  500  600  700  m/z      0.0 100  200  300  400  500  600  700  m/z
 1.00  5.0
                   Inten. (×10,000)                                     Inten. (×1,000)
 3.0  4.0                                         750
 0.75            5.0  Peak1                                                                    592
 2.0  0.50  3.0  4.0              85-(8)-Hydroxy-Erythromycin         7.5  158                         750
 2.0             3.0                                         CID      5.0
 1.0  0.25       2.0
 1.0                                                                  2.5
                 1.0                                                    116     282                 703
 0.0  0.00  0.0  0.0                                                  0.0
 150.0  200.0  250.0  300.0  350.0  m/z  150.0  200.0  250.0  300.0  350.0  m/z  150.0  200.0  250.0  300.0  350.0  m/z  100  200  300  400  500  600  700  m/z  100  200  300  400  500  600  700  m/z
 6                                                                                           Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer  7
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12