Page 5 - Shimadzu LCMS-2020
P. 5

Speed is Power.

                           Accurate mass analysis of sharp chromatographic peaks obtained by UFLC requires ultra-fast MS detection capabilities.
 Greater speed.            The LCMS-2020 offers UFswitching for rapid polarity switching between the positive and negative ionization modes
                           and UFscanning for ultra-fast scan measurements to capture the sharpest UFLC peaks.
 Greater sensitivity.

                           Ionization Probe

                                    Desolvation Line                 Entrance Lens

                                                         Skimmer         Pre-rod   Main-rod              Detector
 reservoir   pump  auto  column  detector
 sampler  oven

                                                                                           Enhances sensitivity by
 From HPLC to UFLC                                                                         preventing ion divergence
 UFLC achieves excellent speed and resolution, while offering the   Octopole
 high precision not available with conventional HPLC and   Ion Source  Qarray       Quadrupole
 expandability options.

 400  Ultra-fast  Ultra-fast                                         Ultra-fast
 UFswitching   UFsensitivity                                         UFscanning
 Rapid 15-millisecond positive/negative ionization switching  Superior sensitivity from UFLC  15,000 u/sec scan speed
 200                             ®
 To detect both positive and negative ions, analysis is performed while switching   Newly developed Qarray  Optics achieve superior   Shimadzu's proprietary scanning technology (Patent:
 between the positive and negative ionization modes.   sensitivity, reproducibility, and linearity.   US8188426) maintains resolution and achieves high
 The LCMS-2020 adopts patented high-voltage power supply technology (Patent:   ion transmission even at high scanning speeds.
 US7855355) to achieve an ultra-fast polarity switching time of just 15 ms.   1pg Reserpine on column ESI
 0                (×1,000)
 0.00  0.25  0.50  min.  m/z 609.3    Area %RSD: 2.06% (n = 6)
 Polarity switching time   Polarity switching time   9.50  S/N (RMS)
 15 msec  15 msec  356.3  355.7  351  345  341.3  351
 Ultra Fast  Positive-ion   Negative-ion   Positive-ion   9.25
 SIM 2CH  SIM 2CH  SIM 2CH  9.00
 Not only high-speed analysis, but
 increased overall speed through rapid   (×100,000)  8.75              (×1,000,000)      414
 sample injection and fully automatic   8.0  −: 321                  1.5                 256
 7.5  +: 344   8.50                                                  1.4                 267
 analysis functions.
 7.0  −: 329                                                         1.3                 278
 +: 231        8.25
 6.5                                                                 1.2
 Unquestionable Fidelity   6.0  10.0  15.0  20.0  25.0  30.0  35.0  40.0  45.0 min  1.1
 UFLC offers exceptional injection   5.5                             1.0
 reproducibility as well as ultra   5.0  Calibration curve: 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000 pg  0.9
 4.5             8E6
 high-speed operation.                                               0.8
 4.0             7E6
 In terms of minimizing sample   3.5                                 0.7
 carryover, essential in LC/MS analysis,   3.0  6E6  pg  Area        0.6
                 5E6                                                 0.5
 the LCMS-2020 stays ahead of the   2.5  Area  4E6  0.1  802.5       0.4
 competition.   2.0                          1   7743.5              0.3
 1.5             3E6                        10   84799.7             0.2
 1.0  m/z 321: Chloramphenicol  2E6        100  891423.7                                       m/z 414: L-α-Narcotine
 Ultra Flexible  0.5  m/z 344: Dibucaine  1E6  1000  7864342.1       0.1                       m/z 256: Diphenhydramine
 m/z 329: Furosemide
                                                                                               m/z 267: Desipramine
 Covers an extensive range from   0.0  m/z 231: Isopropylantipyline  0  0.0                    m/z 278: Amitriptyline
                   0  200  400  600  800  1000                        0.00  0.25  0.50  0.75  min
 ultra-fast analysis to conventional HPLC   0.00  0.25  0.50  0.75  min  Conc. [pg]
 and semi-preparative analysis.
 4                                                                                           Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer  5
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