Page 10 - Shimadzu GCMS-TQ8050 NX
P. 10
Wide Variety of Optional Products for
Supporting Trace Analysis
Chemical Ionization and Negative Chemical Ionization AOC-6000 Multifunctional Autosampler
In addition to commonly-used electron ionization (EI), both chemical ionization (CI) and negative chemical ionization (NCI) are The AOC-6000 supports three sample injection methods: liquid
available for the GCMS-TQ8050 NX. The CI mode is a “soft ionization” technique, used to detect many compounds not possible by EI, sample injection, headspace (HS) injection, and solid phase micro
and is suited for confirmation of molecular weight. The NCI mode can be used to detect functional groups having a high electron extraction (SPME) injection, so samples in a variety of forms can be
affinity such as halogens. Any of three types of reagent gases (methane, isobutane, or ammonia) can be used. analyzed. It allows the sample injection method to be switched SPME Injection
automatically, enabling different sample injection methods to be
Methyl erucate; C22:1 n-9 combined in a continuous operation.
EI-GC-MS With the automatic syringe exchange and stirring function, standard
% C22:1 n-9
samples can be prepared automatically with a variety of dilution
55.0 levels, and everything from the creation of calibration curves to the
100 264.00
quantitative determination of unknown samples can be fully
75 83.0 automated. 2-Methylisoborneol
320.3 (Concentration: 1 ng/L)
25 152.2 236.2 C20:3 n-3
264.3 352.3
0 HS-20 Headspace Sampler
100 200 300 400
The HS-20 headspace sampler provides strong backup for the
PCI-GC-MS/MS Precursor m/z 321.3 analysis of volatile components at every stage from research to
CE:9V quality control departments. The high-sensitivity electronic cooling
trap enables quantitative and qualitative determination of trace
321.3 321.30>289.30
100 components that cannot be detected with a conventional headspace
C20:3 n-3 sampler.
The HS-20 transfer line is built into the GC unit, which makes it easy
50 to combine the HS-20 with the AOC-20 liquid sample injector, as
81.2 well as to switch between these units.
25 303.3
100 200 300 400
OPTIC-4 Multimode Sample Inlet
The OPTIC-4 multimode sample inlet is a GC injection port that
A type of female hormone, estrogen persists in the environment at low concentrations as an endocrine disruptor, which requires high enables a variety of sample injection modes for GC-MS, including
sensitivity for analysis. large-quantity injection, inlet derivatization, thermal desorption, and
To analyze estrogen, it is first derivatized and then a GC/NCI-MS system is used to selectively analyze compounds with high electron DMI (difficult matrix introduction).
affinity. Combining this with an autosampler enables automatic replacement
The GCMS-TQ8050 NX proves its worth in ultra-trace analysis using not only EI, but CI and NCI ionization methods as well. In of inserts, improving productivity in multisample analyses.
particular, the GCMS-TQ8050 NX can analyze femtogram-level concentrations of estradiol, which is one type of estrogen, with high
sensitivity and accuracy using NCI. Therefore, it eliminates the previously required step of first concentrating samples.
900000 TD-30 Thermal Desorption System
343.20 > 253.20 Thermal desorption systems heat samples in a sample tube and then
N = 8 700000 concentrate the thermally desorbed gases before injection into a
%RSD = 7.4%
600000 GC-MS system. They are commonly used to measure volatile organic
compounds (VOCs) in the atmosphere or measure trace components
that are generated from plastic or other samples.
The TD-30R can accommodate 120 samples for excellent processing
capacity and offers outstanding expandability, such as functionality
200000 for retrapping components or for automatically adding an internal
100000 standard substance.
14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 0 100 200 300 400 Concentration
Mass chromatogram of α-Estradiol Calibration curve from 5 to 500 fg/µL
(5 fg/µL concentration, MRM mode) R ≥ 0.999
18 Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer 19