Page 7 - Shimadzu EDX-LE Plus
P. 7
Screening Software Features The instrument
A single click in the "Screening Analysis" window automatically automatically A Variety of Functions To Make Screening Easier
performs everything from measurement to the display of results, makes the dif cult
in accordance with your pre-registered analysis conditions. Simple Screening Setup Improved Security for Software Operations
decisions. Screening conditions can be customized easily according to
the control system.
All steps, from judgment of the main components Changing Threshold Values Condition Protection Function
to the selection of conditions, are automated Threshold values can be set for each material or element. Restrictions can be speci ed for screening conditions and
The screening judgment method can also be changed in various other settings.
Automatic Calibration Curve Selection Function accordance with the input method used for threshold
values. Furthermore, the user can refer to lower threshold
Unknown Several user-determined steps limits for each material to aid in setting their own threshold
sample values.
If the user cannot determine the main component, selecting the optimal calibration curve
is dif cult.
Metal Al alloy?
Solder? Decide
Is this analysis conditions
Conventionally metal? Condition (calibration curve)
Plastic? depending on
Plastic PVC? main component.
Results Changing Judgment Character Strings
The user can specify the character strings displayed for
judgments in analysis results, used to indicate whether they
are below the threshold value, in the gray zone, or above
the threshold value.
Start Changing the Report Template
Requires no user decisions
measurement Requires no user decisions
EDX-LE Plus with a single The style used for reports can be changed. The standard
click! EDX-LE Plus automatically determines the main component, templates provided can be selected.
selects the optimal calibration curve, and performs the measurement.
A Variety of Functions To Minimize Instrument Maintenance Requirements
Automatic X-ray Tube Ageing Function
If the instrument has not been used for a long time, the X-ray tube must be aged
Automatic Measurement Time Reduction Concentration when it is restarted. To prevent malfunction, this process has been automated.
This function automatically switches to the next analysis channel if a controlled Above control standard
substance clearly has a high or low concentration, making evaluation possible while
Standard value
measurement is underway. This achieves more ef cient screening analysis. Gray zone
Clearly above the control standard, so measurement is cut off. Detector Does Not Require Liquid Nitrogen
Gray zone. Measurement proceeds for the set time. Below control standard The EDX-LE Plus is equipped with a detector that does not need to be cooled with
Clearly below the control standard, so measurement is cut off. liquid nitrogen, providing signi cantly reduced operating costs.
6 Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer 7