Page 5 - Shimadzu EDX-LE Plus
P. 5

Making the Dif cult Simple

 Easy Screening, Even for First-Time Users  Simply set

 the sample and
 Start the sample measurement easily from the "Screening
 Analysis" window. The selection of measurement   click "Start".
 conditions, which typically relies on the judgment of the
 experimenter, is determined automatically. This means
 that even  rst-time users can be con dent in their results.

 Place the sample in the chamber  Select analysis conditions/       Analysis results are displayed
 •  Place the sample inside and the observation   enter sample name
 camera will con rm the sample's position.  •  The "Measurement Preparation" window   •  After measurements are completed, "Pass/Fail
 •  Set the analysis area to 3 mm, 5 mm, or 10 mm   displays the current sample image. Use this   Judgment", "Concentration", and
 diameter.    window to select analysis conditions and enter         "3σ (Measurement Variance)" are displayed for
 •  Close the sample chamber.  a sample name.                        all 5 elements in an easy-to-understand layout.
            •  Start measurement with a single click.              •  Display the "Result List" and "Individual Report"
                                                                     with a single mouse click.

 To check the results to date…  If you want to create a report…
 Results List: Lists data of completed measurements   Individual Report: Displays a report of the current sample
 (with photographs)
                                         Create reports in Excel or
                                         HTML format.
                                         Reports can also be created
                                         for non-RoHS 5 element
                                         *Note that this requires installation
                                         of Microsoft  Of ce Excel  before

                                                                                                EDX-LE Plus
 4                                                                                        Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer  5
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