Page 9 - EDX-7200
P. 9

Vacuum Measurement Unit and Helium Purge Unit (Option)
            Sensitivity for light elements can be increased by removing atmosphere. Two options are available: a vacuum measurement unit and a helium
            purge unit.
            The helium purge unit is effective when measuring liquid samples and samples that generate a gas and cannot be measured in a vacuum.

                             Cr        Br   Zr   Cd                    vacuum
                           Ti   Fe   Zn                                air
               80            Ca              He
             Relative intensity (%)  60  Cl   K   air

                     Al   S
                  Mg     P
               0        Si
                5   Na   15    25      35      45
                               Atomic No.
            Relative Sensitivity of Measurements with Helium Purging and in Air  Pro le Comparison in Vacuum and Air
                         (sensitivity in vacuum = 100)                        (sample: soda-lime glass)

            Helium Replacement Measurement Unit (Option)
            Helium replacement is effective for the analysis of the elements
            contained in a sample that cannot be placed in a vacuum atmosphere,
                                                                       He             S Ka
            such as generating liquid or gas. Equipped with a highly efficient   air
            helium gas replacement system (Japanese patent No. 5962855), it
            reduces measurement time and helium gas consumption.

                                                                     Pro le Comparison in Air and Helium After Purging
                                                                           (EDX-7200 / sample: sulfur in oil)

            12-Sample Turret (Option)
            The addition of the turret allows automated continuous
            measurements. It improves throughput, especially for measurements
            in a vacuum or helium atmosphere.

                                                                                          Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer  9
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