Page 7 - EDX-7200
P. 7

High Sensitivityɹ− Improves Lower Detection Limit by Up to 6 Times −
            In metals analysis, the lower detection limit of trace elements in main components has been improved.
                                           Guide of the Lower Detection Limit (300 sec) for Lead in Metals
                                                    EDX-7200    EDX-7000     EDX-720
                                       Copper alloy    9.9        17.1        35.5

                                       Solder          3.9         8.4        24.8

                                       Aluminum alloy  0.7         1.1        3.3
                                            Note: The detection limit is an example and not a guaranteed value.

            High Resolution
            EDX-7200 offers superior energy resolution compared to       EDX-7200             Previous model
            previous models by incorporating a state-of-the-art SDD                              (EDX-720)
            This reduces the effects of overlapping peaks of different
            elements, enhancing the reliability of the analysis results.

                                                                    Comparison of Energy Resolutions (sample: PPS resin)
            No Liquid Nitrogen Required
            The SDD detector is capable of electronic cooling. Since there is no need to use liquid nitrogen, it reduces running costs.

            Range of Detected Elements

                      1                                                                                18
                      1        EDX-7200: 11Na to 92U                                                   2
                  1   H                                                                               He
                           2                                                   13   14   15  16   17
                      3    4                                                   5    6    7    8    9   10
                  2   Li  Be   Guide of the Lower Detection Limit (For light element matrix)  B  C  N  O  F  Ne
                                   QQNʙ    QQNʙ   QQNʙ     QQNʙ
                      11   12                                                  13   14   15   16  17   18
                  3  Na   Mg                                                   Al   Si   P    S   Cl   Ar
                      19   20  21   22   23   24   25  26   27   28   29  30   31   32   33   34  35   36
                  4   K   Ca   Sc   Ti   V   Cr   Mn   Fe  Co   Ni   Cu   Zn  Ga   Ge   As   Se   Br   Kr
                      37   38  39   40   41   42   43  44   45   46   47  48   49   50   51   52  53   54
                  5  Rb   Sr   Y    Zr  Nb   Mo   Tc   Ru  Rh   Pd   Ag   Cd   In  Sn   Sb   Te    I  Xe
                      55   56  57-71  72  73  74   75  76   77   78   79  80   81   82   83   84  85   86
                  6  Cs   Ba   *    Hf  Ta   W    Re   Os   Ir  Pt   Au   Hg   Tl  Pb   Bi   Po   At  Rn
                      87   88  89-103  104  105  106  107  108  109  110  111  112  113  114  115  116  117  118
                  7   Fr  Ra   **   Rf  Db   Sg   Bh   Hs  Mt   Ds   Rg   Cn  Nh    Fl  Mc   Lv   Ts  Og

                               57   58   59   60   61  62   63   64   65  66   67   68   69   70  71
                       6   *   La   Ce   Pr  Nd   Pm  Sm   Eu   Gd   Tb   Dy  Ho    Er  Tm   Yb   Lu
                               89   90   91   92   93  94   95   96   97  98   99   100  101  102  103
                       7       Ac   Th  Pa    U   Np   Pu  Am   Cm   Bk   Cf   Es  Fm   Md   No   Lr
                 ɾ An optional vacuum measurement unit or helium purge unit is required to measure light elements (15P and below) with the EDX-7200.
                 ɾ Lower detection limit varies depending on the sample matrix or coexisting elements.
                 ɾ Lower detection limit of light elements (20Ca and below) gets worse when the sample cell film is used.

                                                                                          Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer  7
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12