Page 4 - EDX-7200
P. 4

Principle and Features of X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry

            Principle of Fluorescent X-ray Generation
            When a sample is irradiated with X-rays from an X-ray tube, the
            atoms in the sample generate unique X-rays that are emitted from   X-ray
            the sample. Such X-rays are known as "fluorescent X-rays" and
            they have a unique wavelength and energy that is characteristic of
            each element that generates them. Consequently, qualitative             K
            analysis can be performed by investigating the wavelengths of the
            X-rays. As the fluorescent X-ray intensity is a function of the            L
            concentration, quantitative analysis is also possible by measuring   K shell
            the amount of X-rays at the wavelength specific to each element.                       ʢЕ=Е 0ʣ
                                                                               L shell  M
                                                                              M shell
                                                                         Atomic nucleus  Electron  Hole
                                                               Electron Paths and Principle of X-ray Generation Expressed as a Bohr Model

            Supports Various Applications in Many Fields

              Electrical/electronic materials                            Ceramics
             ɾRoHS and halogen screening                       ɾAnalysis of ceramics, cement, glass, bricks, and clay
             ɾThin-film analysis for semiconductors, discs, liquid crystals, and
                solar cells                                        Oil and petrochemicals
                                                               ɾAnalysis of sulfur in oil
              Automobiles and machinery
                                                               ɾAnalysis of additive elements and mixed elements in lubricating oil
             ɾELV hazardous element screening
             ɾComposition analysis, plating thickness measurement, and chemical  Chemicals
                conversion coating film weight measurement for machine parts  ɾAnalysis of products and organic/inorganic raw materials
                                                               ɾAnalysis of catalysts, pigments, paints, rubber, and plastics
               Ferrous/non-ferrous metals
             ɾMain component analysis and impurity analysis of raw materials,  Environment
                alloys, solder, and precious metals
                                                               ɾAnalysis of soil, effluent, combustion ash, filters, and fine
             ɾComposition analysis of slag
                                                                  particulate matter
                       Mining                                         Pharmaceuticals
             ɾGrade analysis for mineral processing
                                                               ɾAnalysis of residual catalyst during synthesis
                                                               ɾAnalysis of impurities and foreign matter in active pharmaceutical
                                                                    Agriculture and foods

                                                               ɾAnalysis of soil, fertilizer, and plants
                                                               ɾAnalysis of raw ingredients, control of added elements, and
                                                                  analysis of foreign matter in foods

                                                               ɾComposition analysis of archeological samples and precious stones,
                                                                  analysis of toxic heavy metals in toys and everyday goods

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