Page 6 - EDX-7200
P. 6

EDX-7200 for High Speed,
                    High Sensitivity and High Accuracy

            The EDX-7200 is equipped with a high-resolution SDD detector to achieve a higher count rate and detection efficiency.

            High Speedɹ− Throughput Increased by Up to a Factor of 30 −
            Equipped with a high-speed circuit that increase the count rate by up to 30 times  compared to the former model (EDX-720).
            Improved algorithms and improved performance also help to  reduce measurement times.

                             [Counts]                             [Counts]
                                  Lead (Pb)                            Chromium  Cr

                                                                                 Count rate
                                                Count rate                       30 times
                                                30 times
                                  EDX-7000        EDX-720
                               11.4     12.4    13.4 [keV]          4.5   5.0  5.5   6.0  [keV]
                             Comparison of Lead Profiles in Copper Alloys  Comparison of Chromium Profiles in Copper Alloys

            Comparison Using Actual Samples

            Repeatability using the EDX-7200 and the previous model (EDX-720) was
            compared for lead (Pb) in lead-free solder.

                                                                Sample External Appearance

                                      EDX-7200              Former model
                                      Previous model (EDX-720)  (EDX-720)

                                                            Former model
                                                             (EDX-7000)     Measurement time: Approx. 1/10

                                                                            Measurement time:
                                                                            Approx. 1/30

                                            Measurement time                                  Measurement time
                       Relationship Between Measurement Time and  Measurement Time Required to Reach the Target Analysis Precision
                     Standard Deviation (Variance in Quantitation Values)
            Extending the measurement time to increase the fluorescent X-ray count can improve the precision (repeatability) of X-ray fluorescence
            The EDX-7200 incorporates a high-count-rate SDD detector and a high-speed circuit that achieves highly precise analysis of the target in a shorter
            measurement time.

      6                                                                                                                                                                                                             Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
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