Page 19 - Shimadzu AGX-V2 Series
P. 19

Improving the Efficiency of                                               Device for

 Low to Medium Capacity Tests                                              Atmosphere Tests

                                                                           Instruments are available for tensile,
 It is important to control the temperature and humidity conditions when testing materials   compression, and bending tests
                                                                           performed in environments not at
 affected by these conditions. Shimadzu offers a variety atmospheric control testing machines,   normal temperatures, including
 including refrigerator and gas injection types, to suit the objective. Additionally, the AGX-V2’s   everything from low-temperature to
                                                                           high-temperature environments.
 high-speed return function reduces the standby time during long stroke tests, shortening the
 test cycle time. Combining switch-operated grips and automatic extensometers further
 reduces the cycle time.

               SIE Automatic Extensometer SIE-560A/560SA
               This extensometer is equipped with various automatic functions. It
               automatically detects the grip positions, and moves the elongation
               measurement arm to a point between the grips. It releases from the sample
               automatically when the test is finished and returns to the default position,
               so after attaching the sample, the operator can entrust all the operations
               to the testing machine, which functions semi-automatically. The lineup also
               includes a high-accuracy type with a measurement accuracy of ±1 µm.

               PFG Pneumatic Flat Grips
               With these grips, a foot switch and an interlocked air chuck unit that
               starts testing automatically after the sample is gripped are selectable.
               The grips can maintain a stable force even when gripping soft samples
               that change thickness at the gripped part during testing.

               SG Series Strain Gauge                        TRViewX Video Type
               Type Extensometer                             Non-Contact Extensometer

               This is widely used as a manual               This is a high-accuracy
               extensometer. Various types are               non-contact extensometer that
               available depending on the need,              measures the sample strain from
               including conformity with grades in           captured images. It can
               ISO, JIS, ASTM, and other standards,          accommodate everything from
               gauge lengths, and tests under                general materials to films that a
               high-temperature conditions.
                                                             contact extensometer cannot be
                                                             attached to directly.

               Bending Deflection Gauge
               This deflection gauge for bending tests conforms with ISO 178 and
               JIS K7171. The displacement gauge is pressed against the lower
               surface of the sample. The indentation depth on the sample during
               testing is then measured with high accuracy.
               The gauge is equipped with a mechanism that cancels the force
               used to press the displacement gauge, so it has no effect on the test
               force measurement.
               • Some of these instruments require special optional parts to connect to a testing machine. Contact your Shimadzu representative.

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