Page 9 - Kubota - 7000
P. 9

250mL~1,000mL (1L) Fixed angle rotor for large capacity

          A-2506      Lightweight rotor  A-5004  Lightweight rotor  A-5006  Lightweight rotor  A-1K4  Lightweight rotor
          6 x 250mL     10.1kg      4 x 500mL      13.3kg     6 x 500mL      14.9kg     4 x 1,000mL    14.1kg
          ■ The rotor is approximately   ■ The rotor is approximately   ■ The rotor is approximately   ■ The rotor is approximately
           27% lighter and acceleration/  40% lighter and acceleration/  30% lighter and acceleration/  26% lighter and it is easy to
           deceleration are faster   deceleration are faster    deceleration are faster   remove and handle.
           (compared with AG-2506 rotor).  (compared with AG-5004 rotor).  (compared with AG-5006A rotor).  Acceleration and deceleration
                                                                                          are faster (compared with AG-1K4
                                                                                        ■ The standard bottle with
                                                                                          sealing caps can be fully filled
                                                                                          with 1,000mL of samples.
                                                                                        ■ The widemouth shaped
                                                                                          makes it easy to collect
          By utilizing the click mechanism for A-type fixed angle rotors, it is easy to handle
          on the level of tightening of the rotor lid.
                                                                        7000                     6000
                                               Tube size (mm)
            Rotor Name     Nominal Capacity                   Maximum Speed  Maximum RCF  Maximum Speed  Maximum RCF
                                               diam. x length
                                                                  rpm          x g         rpm          x g
           A-2506   *1,2     6 x 250 mL      60〜62.4 x 119〜137   13,000       26,830      11,500       21,000
           A-5004   *1,2     4 x 500 mL     68〜70.2 x 155〜170.5  12,000       23,830       8,500       11,950
           A-5006   *1,2     6 x 500 mL     68〜70.2 x 155〜170.5  10,000       18,890       8,000       12,090
           A-1K4   *1,3,4   4 x 1,000 mL   95.7〜98.3 x 194.3〜196.8  9,000     15,760        ―           ―

             Biohazard-proof Sealing Adaptors

                                  Sealing Adaptor for
                                  High Speed Fixed Angle

                                                            for 10mL Oak Ridge
             High speed rotor                               type tubes
             A-506, A-508                                   Code No.055-4280

                                                                               7000                 6000
                      Nominal                    Tube size (mm)
           Rotor Name               Tube type                 Code No.
                      Capacity                   diam. x length        Maximum Speed  Maximum RCF  Maximum Speed  Maximum RCF
                                                                          rpm        x g       rpm       x g
                               FEP       3114-0010
             A-506                                16.0〜16.3              22,000     49,240    20,000    40,700
                       10 mL   PSF       3115-0010                  *4
                      Oak ridge  PC       3118-0010  x       055-4280
             A-508                                 79〜92                 20,000     45,610    17,000    32,960
                               PPCO    3119-0010
            Rotor has prescribed operating life cycle, after that the rotor must be replaced.
            For more details, please contact us.
          *1  A variety of tube adaptors are available on this rotor. For more details, please contact us.
          *2  Please refer to the rotor instruction manual for sample temperature.
          *3  Sample temperature with this rotor is maintained at 4℃ (when ambient temperature is 25℃).
          *4  This adapter is made of polyacetal and cap is polycarbonate.

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