Page 29 - Shimadu Consumables Catalog
P. 29

Rapid Equilibration (Even with Low Ionic Strength Acidic Mobile Phases)

              When analyzing basic compounds on a typical ODS column with low
             ionic strength acidic mobile phase, peak shape and long equilibration
             times are common problems. Shim-pack Arata LC columns can be   H
             rapidly equilibrated in low ionic strength acidic mobile phases               N
             yielding excellent peak shape and stable retention times.
                                                                    1. Dextromethorphan    2. Amitriptyline

                                                                     Analytical Conditions
                                                                   Instruments   :  NexeraX2MP_M30A (STD Cell)
                                                                   Column        :  Shim-pack Arata C18
                                                                                   (3.0 × 75 mm, 2.2 μm)
                                                                                   Typical ODS column
                                                                                   (3.0 × 75 mm, sub 2 μm),
                                                                   Mobile Phase    :  0.1% HCOOH in H2O / CH3CN = 70 / 30
                                                                   Flow Rate     :  0.4 mL/min
                                                                   Detection     :  280 nm
                                                                   Column Temp.   :  40 °C
                                                                   Inj. Volume   :  2 μL
                                                                   Sample        :  Amitriptyline, Dextromethorphan

                                  Equilibration Time
                    Compounds                    10    30    60   120   180   240  360   480   600   720  CV(%)
                                 Retention Time (min)  0.8  0.8  0.8  0.8  0.8  0.8  0.8  0.8  0.8   0.8   0.2
               1  Dextromethorphan
                                  Symmetry Factor  1.20  1.19  1.19  1.18  1.18  1.18  1.18  1.18  1.18  1.18  0.6
                                 Retention Time (min)  1.4  1.4  1.4  1.4  1.4  1.4  1.4  1.4  1.4   1.4   0.3
               2    Amitriptyline
                                  Symmetry Factor  1.06  1.07  1.06  1.06  1.06  1.06  1.06  1.06  1.06  1.06  0.3

                                                                   *  Both were new columns (shipping solvent : acetonitrile) and equilibrated
                                                                     with mobile phase without any conditioning. Basic drugs were analyzed
                                                                     after a certain period of time of equilibration and RT and symmetry
                                                                     factor of the drugs were compared.

                                  Equilibration Time
                    Compounds                    10    30    60   120   180   240  360   480   600   720  CV(%)
                                 Retention Time (min)  1.9  1.8  1.7  1.6  1.5  1.5  1.5  1.4  1.4   1.4  10.4
               1  Dextromethorphan
                                  Symmetry Factor  3.28  3.14  3.01  2.70  2.63  2.56  2.51  2.49  2.56  2.49  10.2
                                 Retention Time (min)  5.3  4.7  4.3  4.0  3.9  3.8  3.7  3.6  3.5   3.6  13.5
               2    Amitriptyline
                                  Symmetry Factor  4.23  4.23  4.35  4.22  4.13  4.17  4.09  4.02  3.99  3.90  3.1
             Comparison of Column Equilibration in The Mobile Phase with 0.1% Formic Acid (Shim-pack Arata C18 vs. Typical ODS Column)

             Shim-pack Arata C18

                                  I.D. (mm)
               Particle Size (μm)           2.0         3.0          4.6
                          Length (mm)
                                50       227-32801-01  227-32802-01  -
                                75       227-32801-02  227-32802-02  -
                   2.2         100       227-32801-03  227-32802-03  -
                               150       227-32801-04  227-32802-04  227-32805-04
                               250           -           -        227-32805-05
                                50       227-32803-01  227-32804-01  227-32805-01
                                75       227-32803-02  227-32804-02  227-32805-02
                   5.0         100       227-32803-03  227-32804-03  227-32805-03
                               150       227-32803-04  227-32804-04  227-32805-04
                               250           -           -        227-32805-05

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