Page 28 - Shimadu Consumables Catalog
P. 28

Shim-pack Arata LC Columns

             Unprecedented Resolution and Peak Shape of Basic Compounds
              Even for LC columns that claim to be designed for basic compounds, adequate resolution often can not be obtained due to
             problems such as leading of highly polar basic compounds, peak shape deterioration of acidic compounds, or long equilibration
             time required for low ionic strength acidic mobile phase.
              All of these issues have been solved with Shim-pack Arata that was specifically designed to give unmatched peak shape for basic

             Unmatched Peak Shape (Elegantly Designed for A Wide Range of Compounds)

              Unmatched peak shape of basic compounds could be achieved while maintaining good peak shape for acidic compounds with
             Shim-pack Arata LC columns. Even with low ionic strength acidic mobile phase, such as 0.1% formic acid containing mobile phase,
             excellent peak shape of both amitriptyline (a basic compound) and benzoic acid (an acidic compound) could be achieved.

                                                                       Analytical Conditions
                                                                      Column       :  Shim-pack Arata C18
                                                                      Mobile Phase   :  0.1% HCOOH in H2O / CH3CN = 70 / 30
                                                                      Flow Rate    :  0.4 mL/min
                                                                      Detection    :  254 nm
                                                                      Column Temp.   :  40 °C
                                                                      Inj. Volume    :  2 μL
                                                                      *  Gel Lot QC test analytical condition

             Excellent Separation Performance for Peptides (Even with Weak Ion Paring Acids)
              In order to obtain good peak shape of peptides under reversed phase chromatography, TFA containing mobile phases are
             frequently used which the ion pairing effect is relatively strong. However, TFA could cause ion suppression in LC/MS (/MS) analysis.
             Excellent peak shape and separation performance for peptides could be achieved on the Shim-pack Arata LC column even with
             0.1 % formic acid (weak ion paring acid) containing mobile phase.

                                                                       Analytical Conditions
                                                                     Column        :  Shim-pack Arata C18
                                                                     Mobile Phase   :  A: 0.1% HCOOH in H2O
                                                                                   :   B: 0.1% HCOOH in CH3CN
                                                                     Flow Rate     :  0.4 mL/min
                                                                     Detection     :  214 nm
                                                                     Column Temp.   :  40 °C
                                                                     Inj. Volume    :  1 μL
                                                                     Sample        :   Angiotensin
                                                                     Vial          :  TORAST-H™ Bio Vial
                                                                     *  Gel Lot QC test analytical condition

                                                                             Column            Asymmetry
                                                                        Shim-pack Arata C18       1.26
                                                                         Typical ODS column       6.94
                                                                     *  Peptide is usually analyzed using gradient condition. Isocratic
                                                                       condition was used for this application in order to show the
                                                                       difference of LC columns more clearly. Result using gradient
                                                                       condition on Shim-pack Arata C18 was also evaluated and it was
                                                                       confirmed that angiotensin was fully eluted from the column with
                                                                       isocratic condition.
                                                                     ** Acetonitrile concentration was adjusted in order that the retention
                                                                       time of peptide on each column become similar.

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