Page 220 - Shimadu Consumables Catalog
P. 220


          Ferrules are available in a variety of different materials, shapes and sizes depending on their use, the instrument and the size of the
          capillary column being used. Probably the most important but difficult aspect of choosing a ferrule is the selection of the material
          type. The table below will help you choose  the appropriate ferrule material for your application.

          When choosing ferrules ensure you consider the following:
          1)  The material that best suits your application.
          2)  The connection type you want.

          The following selection table will assist with your decision.
            Ferrule  Material   Graphite           Graphite Vespel®      SilTite™ Metal        ClickTek Ferrule

                                                                     • Specifically developed to
                                                                      overcome the problems
                                                                      associated with the use
                                               • A composite of graphite
                          • Easy to use.        and Vespel®.          of 100% graphite and   • Easy to use
                                                                                          • Leak free
                                                                      composite ferrules.
                          • Forms a stable seal.  • Mechanically robust.  • Strong seal on capillary   • Specially designed to use
                          • Soft material.     • Hard material, long   columns.            with ClickTek Connector on
                          • Porous to oxygen.   lifetime.
               Features                                              • Leak free - The ferrule and   Nexis GC-2030
                          • Can be reused.     • Forms a strong grip with   nut expand and contract at   • Cannot be reused with
                          • Forms a soft grip with   capillary column.  the same rate eliminating   another capillary column
                           capillary column.   • Cannot be reused with
                          • Low emissions.      another capillary column.  any chance of leaks with   • Not suitable for stainless
                                                                      temperature cycling.
                                                                                           steel column
                                               • Requires re-tightening.
                                                                     • Nut does not need re-
                                                                      tightening after initial
                                                                      temperature cycles.
                          • Column to injector   MS interfaces, although even             • Column to injector
                           connection.                               Ideal for MS interfaces and   connection
             Suitable Uses  • Non-mass spectrometer   with a good seal will leak   advanced flow technology   • Non-mass spectrometer
                                               air compared to SilTite™
                           detectors (FID, TCD, FTD,   ferrules.     due to leak-free      detectors (FID, TCD, FTD,
                           FPD, ECD, BID).                                                 FPD, ECD, BID).
                          Connecting columns to mass
            Not Suitable For  spectrometers, as porous to   High temperature   −                   −
                                               If not re-tightened after
                                               installation and temperature
                          • Can leave residue inside   cycles of the GC, air may   Over-tightening of the
                                                                     seal can introduce leaks
                           your column.        enter the column or detector
                Risks     • Can extrude into the   decreasing sensitivity of   into the system. Follow the   −
                                                                     recommended installation
                           injector or detector if it is   the analysis and possibly   instructions to avoid this
                           over-tightened.     degrading the column as   problem.
                                               well as components of the
              Operating                                              No temperature limit in GC
             Temperature  Upper limit of 450 °C  Upper limit of 325 °C  use.                       −

         Pg C-70
   215   216   217   218   219   220   221   222   223   224   225