Page 10 - GCMS-QP2050
P. 10

One Instrument, Infinite Possibilities

                     Conquering Helium Shortages                                                                                        A Flexible Fit for Laboratories

                     Minimizing the Usage of Helium Gas                                                                                 Remote System Access

                     Using the included carrier gas save function makes it possible to reduce the amount of carrier gas used during analysis.   The system can be operated from a personal
                     Additionally, with the optional gas selector, the carrier gas can be switched from helium to nitrogen except during   computer or tablet on the network via a LAN
                     analysis, thereby minimizing helium gas consumption during standby.                                                connection. Additionally, analysis and
                                                                                                                                        instrument status can be checked while away
                                                                                                                                        from the laboratory.

                                                          During analysis       2000
                                                Gas(Main)                      Volume of Helium Consumption (mL)  1000

                                                         When not analyzing      500 0    Approx.  90%                                  Compact Design Fits Anywhere
                                                                                     Unused  Combined use of the carrier gas
                                                                                             save function and the gas selector

                     Reliable Operation with Alternative Carrier Gases

                                                                                                                                                             Conventional model
                     Hydrogen and nitrogen, which cost less and are easier to acquire, can be used as the carrier gas. With its high-perfor-
                     mance flow controller and a design that reduces the impact of the carrier gas, the GCMS-QP2050 can perform stable
                     measurements using either gas without modifying the instrument configuration.

                                                                                                                                                             Approx. 1,500 mm                                 Approx. 630 mm
                               Hydrogen gas sensor                                60
                                                                                 Average Linear Speed (cm/sec)  40  Constant flow speed

                                                           N2                     50               Constant flowrate                     The GCMS-QP2050 saves on space. Thanks to remote access, there is no need to install a personal computer beside the
                                                                                                                                        instrument. This enables a flexible layout in the laboratory.
                                                                          H2      30               Constant pressure
                                                   0     20    40     60    80    20  40  90  140  190  240  290  340  390
                                                       Average Linear Velocity (cm/sec)  Column Temperature (°C)
                                                                                                                                                                                   Energy Savings              This product is certified as
                                                                                                                                           100                                                                 Shimadzu's Eco-Products Plus.
                     Hydrogen Carrier Gas                                   Nitrogen Carrier Gas                                           80

                     Hydrogen is the first choice as an alternative carrier gas from the   The GCMS-QP2050 demonstrates its true value     60                                      The GCMS-QP2050 is equipped with ecology mode, which can
                     perspective of sensitivity and separation. By installing the   when nitrogen is used as the carrier gas. In         Power Consumption (%)                     reduce power consumption. It is also recognized as
                     optional hydrogen sensor, if a leak occurs, the system   constant linear velocity mode, the system                    40          energy savings              Eco-Products Plus, Shimadzu’s proprietary recognition of
                     automatically switches to safe standby mode, adding a level of   achieves separation on par with helium when          20                                      environmentally friendly products. In addition to limiting
                     comfort to anyone concerned about using hydrogen.      using nitrogen, which has a narrow range of                                                            analysis running costs, CO2 emissions are limited, thereby
                                                                            optimal linear velocities.                                        Without ecology mode  With ecology mode  contributing to a carbon-free society.

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