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Best-in-Class Performance Data Management
HS-20 NX Headspace Sampler Network System: LabSolutions CS
The HS-20 NX headspace sampler provides powerful With the network-compatible LabSolutions CS, data from a variety of analytical instruments can be unified for
performance for the analysis of all types of volatile management in a database on the server computer. The data can then be loaded from any personal computer on the
components related to both research and development and network. Additionally, the user and other system information is integrated with a server, heightening the efficiency of
quality control. In addition, the high-sensitivity electron trap management work.
enables trace component analysis.
Server room / Data center / Cloud * 4 Office Branch offices / Working remotely
LabSolutions server Terminal server * 2 Client PC Terminal client PC * 3
TD-30 Thermal Desorption System
A thermal desorption system is an instrument that heats the Analytical laboratory
sample tube, enriches the gas released, and then injects it
into the GC-MS. The TD-30R provides excellent expandability, Acquisition
an extensive 120-sample processing capacity, a restore controller PC * 1
function, and a function that automatically adds the internal
standard substance.
LC GC Agilent LC, GC Thermo LC, GC Combine with
Multi-Data Registration License
to enable integrated management
Pyrolysis Analysis System of these instruments’ data and user
High-polymer compounds undergo pyrolysis at temperatures
of 500 °C or higher, and the thermal degradation products LCMS GCMS FTIR UV RF TA
obtained are analyzed. These thermal degradation products PC
reflect the structure of the original high-polymer compounds,
enabling identification of the high polymers and better
analysis of the higher order structure.
A instrument B instrument
Combine with
Multi-Data Registration License
Balance PPSQ ™ ICPMS Particle Size AG TOC-L
Analyzer to enable integrated management
AOC -6000 Plus Multifunctional Autosampler *1 The acquisition controller PC controls analytical instruments.
*2 A terminal server is a server for using terminal services. Users can view data reports and perform electronic signature operations through terminal services. It is ideal
for remote connections because of the low network load. Only LC, GC, LCMS, and GCMS support analysis and postrun operations through terminal services.
*3 If a terminal service is used, LabSolutions software does not need to be installed on client PCs or tablets.
This system can accommodate a variety of sample injection
*4 Servers can be built on various clouds (IaaS). AWS (Amazon Web Services), Microsoft Azure , GCP (Google Cloud Platform ) ™
methods including liquid injection, headspace (HS) injection,
and solid-phase micro extraction (SPME). It has an overlap
Stand-Alone System: LabSolutions DB
function that heightens the efficiency of consecutive analyses.
Further, with automatic syringe replacement and an agitation
function, the system is capable of sample dilution, automatic With the LabSolutions DB stand-alone system, the data is managed by connecting just a single PC to the analysis
addition of internal standard substances, and the automatic instrument, with no network connection. It is recommended when there are only a few instruments and users, and
creation of calibration curve samples. analysis is limited to a single PC for regulatory compliance.
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