Page 8 - QAD-TOF syetem
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Creating endless possibilities                                                                                     LabSolutions Insight Explore                      ™

                     Diverse analytical needs can be met                                                                                Software supports everything from qualitative analysis to quantitative analysis

                     The OAD-TOF system can be used in combination with various options compatible with the LCMS-9050. The DPiMS  ™     Explore software not only facilitates quantitative analysis of a large number of samples, but also comes with
                     QT, Kit for Direct Probe Ionization Mass Spectrometer, can be installed in place of the standard ESI unit for rapid   features for reliable library searching, elucidation of compound structure and sample composition, and multivalent
                     analysis with simple pretreatment. It can also be connected to the Nexera  UC supercritical fluid chromatography   ion analysis, making full use of MS data with high resolution and mass precision.
                     (SFC) system. This is especially useful for profiling lipids, where vast numbers of isomers exist.

                     DPiMS                                             Nexera UC                                                                   Sample information  MS chromatogram information  Compound results  MS chromatogram
                     Kit for Direct Probe Ionization Mass Spectrometer  Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE)-
                                                                       Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC)

                                                                                                                                                                 MS spectrum information                              Mass spectrum

                                                        685.5362        m/z 277.22>208.1110 (-) x10
                                 TG 18:1(n-9)_16:1(n-7)_4:0             m/z 277.22>250.1590 (-) x10
                                  O                                                       γ-linolenic acid
                        591.4224                    CH3                                   O
                                  O    CH3                                                                CH3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Assign display of
                                                                                          α-linolenic acid
                                 TG 18:1(n-6,n-9)_16:0_4:0                                                                                                                                                         structural formula
                                  O                  CH3                                   HO
                                  O                 CH3
                       589.4076   O    CH3
                                                                                                                                                            Analysis Results
                                                                                                                                                      (Assign, Analyze, Formula Calculator)
                                 617.4375  631.4521
                        590  600  610  620  630  640  650  660  670  680  m/z  0.0  2.5  5.0      7.5      min
                     Lipids in butter were analyzed using DPiMS in     α-linolenic acid and γ-linolenic acid with different
                     combination with the OAD-TOF system.              double bond positions were analyzed using
                     Specific fragment ions derived from OAD were      Nexera UC and the OAD-TOF system.
                     observed with only a simple pretreatment, which is a   Isomers with similar structures were completely
                     feature of DPiMS, and the double bond position of   separated by SFC and detected with specific
                     triacylglycerol was quickly estimated.            fragment ions derived from OAD, enabling highly
                                                                       accurate analysis. OAD can also be adapted to
                                                                       monovalent negative ions such as fatty acids.

                             DPiMS QT, click the button below.               Nexera UC, click the button below.
                                       Product                                         Product

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